💵 Website Design Service | Time is Money & Linear Relations

In this project titled “Time Is Money” we used equations and linear relations to predict the time and profit of a product or service we created.

How can we predict our finances for the future?

My video does an excellent job at answering this driving question but to give a short answer: we can predict our future finances by using graphs, equations and linear relations.


Overall, this project was pretty straight forward. I’ll briefly cover what we did some of the stepping stones and milestones, but most of what you need to know is in the video above.

We built knowledge on graphs and linear relations by doing textbook worksheets and Khan Academy quizzes. I actually learned quite a lot from the worksheets and a ton from Khan Academy. Khan Academy took a lot of time to complete since it was a bit of a learning curve to understand graphs and linear relations. That being said, after doing the quizzes several times, I was able to get a much better understanding of the math.

For Milestone 2, I created the website and kept track of how long it took me, as well as sales price, expenses and startup costs. 

I had a lot of fun building the website. You can check out the landing page for my documentary by clicking here. I think that I was able to demonstrate my understanding of the curricular competency “Understanding and solving: apply multiple strategies to solve problems in both abstract and contextualized situations” by creating the table and keeping track of my time spent on website building.

Wix Website Builder

Milestone 4 was to create the graphs. I used the equation I had created for Milestone 3:

I then used the app Desmos to graph my data. Doing this really helped me put the knowledge I gained from the workbooks and Khan Academy to use. Milestone 4 was a great way for me to show my ability to extend on the curricular competency “Communicating and representing: represent mathematical ideas in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic form”

I then spent a lot of time in Keynote creating my video. I then used iMovie to assemble the slides and add voiceovers. By creating the video I was able to share my ability of the curricular competency “Connecting and reflecting: connect mathematical concepts to each other and to other areas and personal interests.”

Overall I think that working as a website designer wouldn’t be that terrible of a job. I enjoy making websites, it pays well and it has a relatively low impact on the environment.

If you haven’t yet, make sure to watch the video as it goes more in depth on graphs and how to predict finances in the future. 

That’s all for PLP Scimatics. PLP 10, 11 & 12 does not offer a scimatics course, so this was the last Scimatics project I’ll ever complete. I’ve had some good times in Scimatics, big thank you to Mr. D Harris for teaching us Scimatics!

Thanks for reading!

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