Field studies are a fantastic way to learn and connect to the world outside school. I’ve gone on a two field studies to Loon Lake, a short 45ish minute drive from Seycove. Generally however, field studies are to places far away that require plane travel to get there. Although I would love to go on… Continue Reading ✈️ My Thoughts on Field Studies
Category: 🔎 Go Deeper
🗳️ Why do politics matter and why should you bother?
Why do politics matter and why should you bother? That’s the question we were working towards finding an answer to in our most recent Humanities project titled “Who cares and why bother?” This project centred around politics, the structure of the Canadian government, and why young people should be involved in the political process. Throughout… Continue Reading 🗳️ Why do politics matter and why should you bother?
🧙♂️ How to Become a PLP Technology Wizard (tips for a grade 8 from a grade 11)
Welcome back to yet another year of school. I’m in grade 11 now (yes I’m still in denial about that: no way has it been three years of PLP already). This summer I did a lot of online math and french for school (don’t recommend). Thankfully, I also got to go on a camping trip… Continue Reading 🧙♂️ How to Become a PLP Technology Wizard (tips for a grade 8 from a grade 11)
⚖️ Creating Opportunities from Balance
Two posts in less than 24 hours and another coming soon! We just wrapped up another project, this one for PGP (Personal Growth Plan), which is the PLP Careers course. In this project we read the book Atomic Habits by James Clear and did daily positive brain training. We also connected to the ideas from… Continue Reading ⚖️ Creating Opportunities from Balance
🗣️ mPOL 2023
Welcome! It’s mPOL time of year again. In this post I will be writing about my growth as a learner so far this year. I will then be presenting this post to my parents and a teacher in what we in PLP call an mPOL – Midyear Presentation of Learning – while I talk about… Continue Reading 🗣️ mPOL 2023
🧗🏻 Loon Lake Leadership Retreat
Welcome! PLP 10 returned to Loon Lake (a beautiful retreat centre in Maple Ridge) this year for a 3 day leadership course. I learned a lot and had a lot of fun, which I’ll be reflecting on in this post. Keep reading for a slideshow at the end with a bunch of photography I did… Continue Reading 🧗🏻 Loon Lake Leadership Retreat
⛏ Gold! | How did the Gold Rushes Shape BC?
Welcome and if you’ve visited this blog before, welcome back! My summer break consisted of camping, French 10 online, Lifeguarding and Swim Instructing. Here are some of the photos I took during my family’s camping trip to Miracle Beach on Vancouver Island (featuring our adorable pup, Maruka): Photos © Fraser.Artist. All Rights Reserved. Visit… Continue Reading ⛏ Gold! | How did the Gold Rushes Shape BC?
📝 The Indian Act 1876 | Nationalism
This project was titled “Case for a Nation” and it was centred on Nationalism and Historical Perspective. We started this project started in February, was interrupted for a week by the Loon Lake Learning Advance, and was completed in March. 🚨 Trigger Warning! This post details information regarding Residential ‘Schools’ and the Indian Act. Some information… Continue Reading 📝 The Indian Act 1876 | Nationalism
🎃Happy Halloween aka Photo Tutorial
This Halloween I challenge you to try making a pumpkin man! The twist: you only have the photos and measurements that I have provided below. Can you do it? You can also find this challenge with more content here.
🍃 75 Shades of Green 🌲
For this “Go Deeper” project we were told to take photos that were similar to each other, they could be patterns, colours, shapes, rusted or anything else you could think of. I chose to take photos of all the different shades of green on plants I could find on our family’s property. Ever since riding… Continue Reading 🍃 75 Shades of Green 🌲