Field studies are a fantastic way to learn and connect to the world outside school. I’ve gone on a two field studies to Loon Lake, a short 45ish minute drive from Seycove. Generally however, field studies are to places far away that require plane travel to get there. Although I would love to go on… Continue Reading ✈️ My Thoughts on Field Studies
Category: 💻 PLP Grade 10
All posts from PLP 10 projects. 2022-2023.
🎙️ The Climate Countdown Podcast
Join us as we learn about our journey to a sustainable future in the urgent battle against climate change. Discover the latest technological innovations, local and youth initiatives, the role of nature, and the power of community. With insightful interviews and inspiring stories, each episode offers a unique perspective on this pressing issue, as we… Continue Reading 🎙️ The Climate Countdown Podcast
💵 Spring Exhibition 2023 + PGP Finances
I’m losing money to the stock market… fast. Welcome back folks… to yet another blog post. We just finished both our year-end spring exhibition and our PGP project about finances, both of which I’ll be reflecting on in this post. Finances The first thing we did for finances was to plan how much it… Continue Reading 💵 Spring Exhibition 2023 + PGP Finances
🗣️ tPOL 2023
Welcome! It’s tPOL time of year again. In this post I will be writing about my growth as a learner so far this year. I will then be presenting this post to my parents and a teacher in what we in PLP call a tPOL – Transitional Presentation of Learning – while I talk about… Continue Reading 🗣️ tPOL 2023
🪶 Collaging from Past to Present (not about the history of collage)
Howdy! 🤠 In this project we learned about the many ways Canada has mistreated Indigenous People throughout history to the present. Our driving question for this project was: How can art and text reflect both the history and our current place in time? The collage I created for the final product does a wonderful job… Continue Reading 🪶 Collaging from Past to Present (not about the history of collage)
🪪 Marketing ME
Why should we hire you? – Every hiring manager ever In this post I’ll be reflecting on the work we did in our PGP (Personal Growth Plan) class (essentially careers class but PLP). Specifically I’ll be focusing on the work we did to market ourselves to… Continue Reading 🪪 Marketing ME
🪖 Footprints in the Sand | WWII
“The waters of the English Channel and the winds of the Normandy coast have erased the footprints these men left on Juno Beach. But not even the great tides of time can wash away the deep impressions they have made in our national memory, and the chronicle of the free world.” – Prime Minister Paul… Continue Reading 🪖 Footprints in the Sand | WWII
🏙️ Vancouver: A super natural place to go? | Vancouver Tourism
Welcome! In this project we created a video essay about tourism. While most of PLP 10 went on a field study to Disney World in Florida, some of us stayed behind, myself included. Our driving question was: How do tourist attractions shape and influence the cultural, economic, psychological, and social experiences of visitors? Our final… Continue Reading 🏙️ Vancouver: A super natural place to go? | Vancouver Tourism
⚖️ Creating Opportunities from Balance
Two posts in less than 24 hours and another coming soon! We just wrapped up another project, this one for PGP (Personal Growth Plan), which is the PLP Careers course. In this project we read the book Atomic Habits by James Clear and did daily positive brain training. We also connected to the ideas from… Continue Reading ⚖️ Creating Opportunities from Balance