🪶 Collaging from Past to Present (not about the history of collage)

Howdy! 🤠 In this project we learned about the many ways Canada has mistreated Indigenous People throughout history to the present. Our driving question for this project was: How can art and text reflect both the history and our current place in time? The collage I created for the final product does a wonderful job… Continue Reading 🪶 Collaging from Past to Present (not about the history of collage)

⛏ Gold! | How did the Gold Rushes Shape BC?

Welcome and if you’ve visited this blog before, welcome back! My summer break consisted of camping, French 10 online, Lifeguarding and Swim Instructing. Here are some of the photos I took during my family’s camping trip to Miracle Beach on Vancouver Island (featuring our adorable pup, Maruka): Photos © Fraser.Artist. All Rights Reserved. Visit fraserartist.wixsite.com/home… Continue Reading ⛏ Gold! | How did the Gold Rushes Shape BC?

🏛 PLP Spring Exhibition 2022

We just completed our PLP Spring Exhibition “IMPACT!” PLP Exhibitions showcases the learning PLP learners have done. We were split into teams, each responsible for a room. I was assigned to “Beyond The Classroom.” We also got to work with the Grade 8’s to create our room.  Our room’s driving question was: How do we… Continue Reading 🏛 PLP Spring Exhibition 2022

📝 The Indian Act 1876 | Nationalism

This project was titled “Case for a Nation” and it was centred on Nationalism and Historical Perspective. We started this project started in February, was interrupted for a week by the Loon Lake Learning Advance, and was completed in March. 🚨 Trigger Warning! This post details information regarding Residential ‘Schools’ and the Indian Act. Some information… Continue Reading 📝 The Indian Act 1876 | Nationalism