🗣️ mPOL 2025

Welcome! It’s mPOL time of year again — and this time is for the last time: my last mPOL before I graduate. In this post I will be writing about my growth as a learner so far this year. I will then be presenting this post to my parents and a teacher in what we… Continue Reading 🗣️ mPOL 2025

👸 Should Men Care About Feminism?

Feminism is “a socialist, anti-family, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians” (qtd. in Wade; Mikkelson). At least that’s how it was described by television evangelist Pat Robertson in 1992. Pat Robertson is entirely wrong, that’s not the intent of feminism at all.… Continue Reading 👸 Should Men Care About Feminism?

✡️ Horror of History, Faces of Future | The Holocaust

“According to the Toronto police, hate crimes are up 93% in the city over the last year. 53% of those crimes are antisemitic. According to Reuters, antisemitism incidents worldwide are up 400% in the last year. According to Statistics Canada, Jews are the religious group most likely to be targeted for hate crimes. They make… Continue Reading ✡️ Horror of History, Faces of Future | The Holocaust

🗣️ tPOL 2024

Welcome! It’s tPOL time of year already! In this post I will be writing about my growth as a learner so far this year. I will then be presenting this post to my parents and a teacher in what we in PLP call a tPOL – Transitional Presentation of Learning – while I talk about… Continue Reading 🗣️ tPOL 2024

🗳️ Why do politics matter and why should you bother?

Why do politics matter and why should you bother? That’s the question we were working towards finding an answer to in our most recent Humanities project titled “Who cares and why bother?” This project centred around politics, the structure of the Canadian government, and why young people should be involved in the political process. Throughout… Continue Reading 🗳️ Why do politics matter and why should you bother?