Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade level? tPOL Declaration “Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of… Continue Reading 🗣️ tPOL 2022
Tag: Scimatics
💵 Website Design Service | Time is Money & Linear Relations
In this project titled “Time Is Money” we used equations and linear relations to predict the time and profit of a product or service we created. How can we predict our finances for the future? My video does an excellent job at answering this driving question but to give a short answer: we can predict… Continue Reading 💵 Website Design Service | Time is Money & Linear Relations
⚙️ Rube Goldberg Machines that are Metaphors?!
New Assignment! Create a Rube Goldberg Machine that is a metaphor for the scientific process. That sounds pretty confusing (I was definitely confused), but don’t worry it’s not quite as complicated as it sounds, watch the video below to see our Rube Goldberg Machine in action and learn the 6 steps of the scientific process: This project… Continue Reading ⚙️ Rube Goldberg Machines that are Metaphors?!
🗣️ mPOL 2022
Welcome! In this post I will be writing about my growth as a learner so far this year. I will then be presenting this post to my parents and Ms. Maxwell in what we in PLP call an mPOL – Midyear Presentation of Learning – while I talk about my growth as a leaner and… Continue Reading 🗣️ mPOL 2022
🎞 Atoms, Atoms Everywhere • Atomic Bonding
I think my animations above do an excellent job at answering the driving question for this project “How do the electron arrangements of atoms determine the chemical and physical properties of elements and compounds?” So make sure to watch them! As with most Scimatics projects, we started off this project with a Mindmap: Now… Continue Reading 🎞 Atoms, Atoms Everywhere • Atomic Bonding
📉 How Do Screens Affect Your Personal Life? – Correlation Vs. Causation
For this Scimatics 9 project, I worked with Makenna to create a Keynote presentation to explain the findings of our survey on screen time, family time and age as well as what correlation and causation is and the differences between them. ⚠️ It should be noted that in our Keynote video we said that the strength… Continue Reading 📉 How Do Screens Affect Your Personal Life? – Correlation Vs. Causation
🐛 Centipede Hill | Exponent Laws Game
Welcome back! 🍂Autumn is here and so is my first project reflection post for Grade 9 Scimatics. For the first project of Scimatics this year, we worked as a team to create a card/board game that used at least 4 exponent laws. I was overjoyed to be able to choose our teams for this project… Continue Reading 🐛 Centipede Hill | Exponent Laws Game
🦠 Tuberculosis Invasion
In this project we made comic books about how cells and diseases interact. We kicked off this project by watching the movie Osmosis Jones. I found the animated parts of the movie very entertaining, but the parts with real people were very disgusting for the most part. How do cells and diseases interact? Cells… Continue Reading 🦠 Tuberculosis Invasion
🛰 Intergalactic Space Set – 3D Design and Math
In this project we designed 3D objects that had components maximized for surface area or volume. Our driving questions varied depending on the 3D shape we chose. We (my teammates Teva and Alicia) made this YouTube Video so that you can watch the presentation: My driving question originally was “How can I design a satellite… Continue Reading 🛰 Intergalactic Space Set – 3D Design and Math
⚛️ Marvellous Matter Trivia
In this Scimatics project we worked individually to code a game or simulation about matter, including the Kinetic Molecular Theory and Atomic Theory, using the coding platform Scratch. You can play my game right now! (If it doesn’t load click here.) How can the behaviour of matter be explained by the kinetic molecular theory… Continue Reading ⚛️ Marvellous Matter Trivia