🥉Destination Imagination 2022: Provincials

It’s Destination Imagination (DI) reflection time of year again! DI is a worldwide non-profit organization whose purpose is to inspire and equip students to become the next generation of innovators and leaders. Students work in teams to solve open-ended challenges that foster their creativity, courage and curiosity. In working to solve our DI challenges, teams… Continue Reading 🥉Destination Imagination 2022: Provincials

⚙️ Rube Goldberg Machines that are Metaphors?!

New Assignment! Create a Rube Goldberg Machine that is a metaphor for the scientific process. That sounds pretty confusing (I was definitely confused), but don’t worry it’s not quite as complicated as it sounds, watch the video below to see our Rube Goldberg Machine in action and learn the 6 steps of the scientific process:  This project… Continue Reading ⚙️ Rube Goldberg Machines that are Metaphors?!

📝 The Indian Act 1876 | Nationalism

This project was titled “Case for a Nation” and it was centred on Nationalism and Historical Perspective. We started this project started in February, was interrupted for a week by the Loon Lake Learning Advance, and was completed in March. 🚨 Trigger Warning! This post details information regarding Residential ‘Schools’ and the Indian Act. Some information… Continue Reading 📝 The Indian Act 1876 | Nationalism

👩‍⚖️ The Haitian Revolution’s Effectiveness Court Trial

“Your Honour, the prosecution submits that the Haitian revolution was ineffective.” For this project we put the effectiveness of the Haitian Revolution on trial for the PLP Winter Exhibition.   How Might We As Legal Teams Determine the Effectiveness of a Revolution?  I think that the video of our trial does an excellent job at… Continue Reading 👩‍⚖️ The Haitian Revolution’s Effectiveness Court Trial

📉 How Do Screens Affect Your Personal Life? – Correlation Vs. Causation

For this Scimatics 9 project, I worked with Makenna to create a Keynote presentation to explain the findings of our survey on screen time, family time and age as well as what correlation and causation is and the differences between them. ⚠️ It should be noted that in our Keynote video we said that the strength… Continue Reading 📉 How Do Screens Affect Your Personal Life? – Correlation Vs. Causation