For this Humanities project our driving question was “How does place impact who we are?”

My assignment was to answer this question. In total I had six milestones to help me answer the question.

Each milestone helped me answer my question in a different way.

Milestone 1: In this milestone we discussed how place impacts ourselves. We discussed it in class and talked about different ways place affects us. Then, we went outside and worked on our assignment. There were different ways we could’ve used to make our assignment. I decided to make a rap about it. I made a script and I thought about how place impacts me as a person. I talked about how it impacted the things I do on a daily, like the sports I play, and the Enviornment around me. I then recorded me rapping the song and handed it in. 

This was my first “go” at answering the question.

For the second milestone we discussed how to view thinngs/events through differnt lenses. At first, we were put into different groups. Then, each group was given a topic. My groups was given the topic that both the NDP and Conservative party released statements on Labour day weekend with two directly contradicting opinions. The Conservatives wanted Albertans to keep working because there are still too many Albertans with no jobs and they are trying to help rebuild Alberta. The NDP wanted Albertans to take a break from their jobs and spend time with their families, because that is the community of Alberta. 

Each person in a group had to view the “crisis” with a different lense. The lenses were, Enviornmental, Economical, Political, and Social. My lense was the Enviornmental lense.

I talked about how each party had differnt beleifs when it came to the Enviornment. One example is the pipeline. I said that the Conservative supporters most likely agreed with what the conservatives stated on LAbour day weekend and the opposite for the NDP. I said this resembles a “split” Alberta community and it will not be beneficial in the long run.

For our third milestone we did some research on the Places we visited in Alberta. We wanted to gain knowledge about the places so when we arrived we were prepared with different questions. 

We prepared for things such as knowing in which places to ask questions through and environmental lense, or economical lense, etc. We also did background research on each place so our questions could be more complex and detailed for more specific answers.

My questions were specifically targeted towards tourists and through the environmental lense because tourists love to visit the environment and I could ask questions on how the maintained the environment, or how they have impacted the environment.

For my fourth milestone, I worked on a daily note. This milestone lasted the duration of the Alberta trip. Everyday I was given a prompt to work on for the day. Each day the prompts varied with different questions either about what we were experiencing on that particular day, or just about how we are feeling “work-wise” and how we are enjoying the trip. I tried to add as many pictures and fun things to my daily note to keep it as fun and “fresh” as possible while still trying to work hard on it and be as genuine as possible.

For my fifth and final milestone, I had to make a HUGE video on how place impacts tourists. This was the “grand slam” what all the other milestones were preparing me for! The mothership! The crown jewel! The flotilla leader! My biggest challenge yet!

The Alberta Peoples Video!

This final project was the sum of all the things I learned how to do in the previous milestones and stepping stones. I made a video with all the components of the previous stepping stones. My video incorporated viewing things through different lenses, research and knowledge of the places I went, and how place impacts different people. My video included interviews with tourists, tourism experts, and First Nations people. I used these stories and interviews to help answer the driving question. 

All in all, Through many different milestones I was finally able to answer the driving question. I am extremely happy with my work and I am also very proud of it.