Student Blogging Challenge:
This was my first time participating in the student blogging challenge. During the overall span of the Student Blogging challenge I have mixed feelings about my learning experience.
During the first few weeks I did not like it very much. I was very confused with what they were asking and did not understand what the challenge was about. I thought the challenge was overcomplicated and I felt they did not portray their tasks every week with clear words. This lead to me being confused every single week and because I was confused I would procrastinate. I would not be able to finish the assignment in the few days I was given to finish it. The uncompleted assignments started to buildup and sooner rather than later I had many uncompleted assignments.
After a few weeks I finally was able to semi understand the challenges. The challenges became easier overall and easier to understand. I was able to understand the assigned tasked. However, all the commenting and visiting other people blog post i did not understand. I thought I only had to do that once but it turns out I had to do that every week. This was one of my downfalls.
Overall I believe if I had put more time into reading the challenge and trying to understand it I wouldn’t have been as stressed.
A few things that I did like about the SBC was how widespread it is. I thought that it was just people in the area and in Seycove that do it. Turns out, it is people all across the world. Volunteers from so many different places come together and make up this amazing challenge. Although it was challenging, I did like how widespread it was.
Here is a week of the SBC that I am proud of
Check out the full post here!
Another thing I liked about it was the creativity behind the challenges. They were surprisingly fun to do. We varied from making math problems with emojis, to writing about how to use non copyright images. The topics varied and I actually enjoyed them.
If you would like to see an example of an excellent blogger you Can visit my friend Malaika!
All in all, I had mixed feelings about the student blogging challenge but I feel like I learned some valuable lessons from it.
Until next time.
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