Star Wars the Last Jedi” is a fantastic showcase of the Rebels journey of escaping the Imperial Forces. This is the second Star Wars movie under the direction of Disney.
Near the beginning of the movie Rey meets Luke. The famous ending scene of Force Awakens is continued. As Rey hands Luke his lightsaber his reaction is sure to crackle you up. Rey tries to follow Luke and convince him to come back and help fight. On the other side of the galaxy, Kylo Ren and his fleet are vigorously hunting down the Rebels trying to eliminate them. Supreme leader Snoke doesn’t trust Kylo Ren and calls his “A boy hiding under a mask” this drives Kylo to towards hate and even more evil.
The Last Jedi is directed towards all types of audiences, as almost all Star Wars movies are. The fanatics, the love story seekers, (you know who you are) the enthusiasts, everyone. The movie has a lot of emotions throughout, from Kylo’s internal fight, to Snoke’s evilness, and much more waiting in the movie for you to see.
In the movie, each character progresses in a certain way and speed to account for the many more movies to come. Some characters may progress slower, or with more conflicts, this sets the character up for whatever role he/she is to portray in the following movies. This is very evident in The last Jedi.
The plot of The Last Jedi is very well introduced and is easy to follow. This allows younger audiences to be able to watch the movie and still know more or less what is going on. I believe Disney made the plot easy to follow because as I said earlier they are trying to direct the movie towards all types of audiences.
All in all, I believe the Star Wars The Last Jedi is a great movie that can be enjoyed everywhere and anywhere and definitely deserves at least one watch. On top of that, how are you going to be able to understand what is happening in the newest Star Wars if you haven’t seen the old ones. Make sure to be there! Dec. 19, 2019 for the newest Star Wars movie in the Saga!
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