As you may know, the provincial Destination Imagination tournament was cancelled due to COVID 19…

But…. Seycove did our own! Our teachers organized an online Provincials tournament for us to compete in. This was so we could wrap up our project and not just leave it with open ends.

Provincial tournament

The week before spring break my group was working hard on improvements from the Regionals. Here are some of our improvements we were working on.

  • We wanted to be able to play our part. Put ourselves in the shoes of our characters, use expression, facial gestures and more. We felt this would help captivate the audience.
  • New backdrop. During regionals our backdrop was not sufficient. Half of the frame which helped hold the paper up couldn’t fit through the door. We ended up having to leave it behind and our backdrop fell. Our plan was to make it smaller in height and more sturdy with utility pipes.
  • We were going to fix the supports of our bridge. They were not sturdy an got trampled a few days before our performance for regionals. They stood up during the performance, but barely.  They were a liability and we planned to fix them.
  • We wanted to fix the connection pieces that connected the two “walkway” bridge pieces together. These were ultimately our bridge fell during regionals. There was two much tape wrapped around one of the connector pieces and it couldn’t be pushed into the connecting part.

During spring break we were told to take a break from meeting with our teams for a rest period. Going into spring break we felt very confident about our changes. This goes back to the competency as we understood the problem and used different perspectives to fix it.

Fast forward a few days, school is now cancelled, fast forward another week and we are told we are going to do the online tournament over zoom. We were faced with some challenges, we couldn’t get anything from the school because it was closed. We needed to present from things at our home. Quickly we found solutions to the problems. We discussed over FaceTime meetings what we were going to do. Brenton had some cards at home that he could build a bridge out of. And we discussed as a group that the most important part of our online tournament would be the acting as it was basically the only thing we could do. 


<—costume used during the performance!

The day had come and our performance went very well. Due to lack of cards and tape, we were unable to get the bridge up. But, that was expected and we were applauded for trying our best to get it up. Our performance went almost flawlessly. The audience was able to see one of our team choice elements that they didn’t see at regionals…Felix singing! Overall, my group and I were very pleased with how it went. We discussed afterwards and all agreed we did our best and with different perspectives were able to understand the new problem/task at hand.

Instant Challenge

Our instant challenge for our online tournament was on par with our Regional instant challenge performance. In Regionals we came for instant challenge performance. For our online instant challenge we were tasked with making a skit about an underwater event with something interesting that happens. We knew going into it that we had to be exceptional actors as that is what we were being graded on. We got some makeshift costumes set and we were off. I believe this is the reason we did so well in both the regionals and the provincials.

Final thoughts on the competency

Research and Understand: How might I research and understand a problem, process, or challenge using different perspectives?

Through looking at our problem/task in many different perspectives and lenses my group was able to understand the problem. This allowed us to research methods. An example of this is researching the most stable shapes to make our new supports out of.

Overall, I believe the online provincial Destination Imagination tournament was the best way to wrap up my first time doing Destination Imagination. I really enjoyed it and I look forward to doing it next year. Although, the second half of the tournament was cancelled, the improvements we made from the regionals really showed during our provincial showcase