Dear readers, welcome to my blog post!
In this post, we will talk about the most recent project we’ve been given, ‘The More Things Change’ as always, here’s our driving question
“What Did European Settlement Mean For Those Involved”
Now, let’s unpack this.
Our first milestone was a reflection of Deep Cove. We listened to a lecture about the continuity and change about Deep Cove, and were told to write about it, our paragraph including things such as:
- at least one specific example of continuity in place
- at least one specific example of change in place
- one example of progress or decline
- one opinion on positive or negative change
- creative connection to the writer and discussion of personal experience of continuity and change
We were given twenty minutes.
Our next milestone was all about continuity and change, personally, I think this milestone was very helpful in our learning process.
How were lives and conditions alike over time and how did they change for one group of people at the time of New France?
That was the question for our second milestone. This milestone taught us further knowledge about what continuity and change was.
Each group was given one column to fill out, then the group was told to split up and discuss with other groups so we could get full answers for our other columns!
By the time we hit our third milestone, we were shown our infographs and we began our blue print process. Our infographs must include the following:
1 Fact about First Nations people + Graphic to Support
• 1 Fact about the British settlers during European Exploration + Graphic to Support
• 1 Fact about the French during European Exploration + Graphic to Support
• 1 Statement about Continuity and Change from New France to today + Graphic to Support
• Thesis Statement
• Author Names
With this, we were given one infograph template that we were barely allowed to change.
Our fourth milestone was very similar to our third, we had to use peer critique and feedback further our current infograph, and switch around our graphics if the need be.
Finally our fifth milestone! For our fifth milestone, we had to explain our infograph in a video format, as well as printing out, and posting our infographs all over the walls of seycove school walls.
Here is my partner and I’s inf0grtaphic! It is double sided so people outside can see it as well.
that concludes my blog post for this project, so I hope you enjoyed reading, have an amazing day.