Exponent Laws

Hello! welcome back to my blog post, this is the first blog post of the new school year that i’ve written! Without further ado, lets get started in the project!


In the first month here back at school, we started out with learning about what exponents were exactly, and how to use them. From there, we started the group project: Exponent Laws!

To start out this project, we were lucky enough to get to pick our own groups, and were told to create some very basic game rules and ideas to get our creative juices flowing and to get an idea of everyone’s current knowledge on exponents, and how exactly they are used in games. This was our first milestone along many other this project. By the end of the day, we were asked to create the famous mind map to help us word our questions and thoughts about the project so far.

Throughout this month of learning, we took notes and did worksheets to further expand our knowledge of exponents and how they worked, we even went as far as to watch some exponent videos, and took a khan-academy quiz!


Next, we moved on to game rule drafts! The name is pretty self explanatory, our entire group had to come up with a first draft to our game rules, explaining how our game worked, and the pieces we included in our game. This was given a few more drafts before we moved on to creating our game pieces!

Here we have our cards and our timer!


That leaves us with our driving question

“How does math make games more complex, interesting, and re-playable?”

Everything in math is for certain. There is only one outcome for every question, 2+2 can only ever be 4. Though when question difficulty and time limits are added into the mix, it makes for a competitive, educational and re-playable game.

Curricular competencies!

Reasoning and Analyzing: Use logic and patterns to solve puzzles and play games

We used logic and patterns for our game by creating a steady pace for our game to be played at, and a simple routine of answering as many questions as possible in a one minute and thirty second time range.

Communicating and Representing: Represent mathematical ideas in concrete, pictorial, and symbolic forms

On this curricular competency, I feel we could have done better. We only used one law throughout our project, which didn’t do a very good job of representing the others that we learned.


Applying and Innovating: Contribute to care for self, others, community, and world through individual or collaborative approaches

We worked as a team to create our ideas and game pieces throughout this project, taking turns expressing our ideas and thoughts on how we can improve our project


I hope you enjoyed reading about my first project this year, have an amazing day and thanks for sticking around!

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