Loon lake learning advance !

Hello! Welcome back to my blog post! I’m excited to share with you the experience of our first PLP field study! Or well, learning advantage from February 14th – 17th. This trip had both the PLP 8 and 9 cohorts. This trip also took place in Loon Lake and it was a really great opportunity to improve on our strengths and team building skills of the PLP team! In believe that i was able to successfully  work together with, and build stronger bonds with my classmates. As well as having experiences with my friends that have turned into very funny inside jokes!

Here is the map from seycove secondary to Loon Lake! I listened to music for most of the ride over there, i even made a playlist!

To start off this first day, when we arrived at the lake, we started off with some activities. We went on a photo walk!  After that we went on a scavenger hunt. This activity helped us to get to know the area a bit better. (Though to be honest I think we were all a liiiiittle to tired and excited to obtain that information haha).  Then finally it was time for…who was going to be in our cabins! I was lucky enough to be grouped into a cabin with my two good friends, Ines and claire!

Then we had some time to unpack and relax and then we got dinner! The food and atmosphere was great and probably one of my favourite parts of the adventure due to the social aspects and bonding !

On day two, I woke up really early just to make myself a cup of earl grey tea and do my hair (this routine only lasted after the first night, because quickly learned to savour the sleep I managed to get on this trip) we had an amazing breakfast and also participated in the first “DI sweat box” activity; followed by an adventure, in which we made some shelters in the forest! Lunch was great too: burgers and fries!! They were soooo good! I also like how we managed to get a dessert item after every meal! Those were always very tasty as well!

For evening fun that night I decided to chill out and read in the calm cabin till advisory, where we gave and received compliments to each other! Then it was lights out!

On day three we had our last full day! Once again an amazing breakfast as always in the morning, then a block where we worked on some of the 7 Habits work, followed by lunch in which we were assigned temporary seating.  Then we had some learning rotations. In the rotations, I spent the first half with my DI team, and the second half participating in some in Forest Laser and Battle Archery! Battle archery was my favourite!!

Day three was, in the end, pretty fun!

Alas, day four! On this day, we had breakfast and then packed up all our stuff. Then headed out  for a game of capture the flag! It was grade 8’s vs grade 9s! Obviously us grade nines won. We are totally superior. (Not like we weren’t in the same grade like.. nine months ago…)

It was super fun and me and Claire had a fun time trivializing with the grade 8s, and I learned maybe some of them aren’t THAAAT bad (all jokes, I’m sure they’re lovely)

After lunch we got back on the bus and headed back to seycove. I took a much needed nap on the bus, and woke up when we were near superstore! I was really glad we got to go home early that day because as much as I enjoyed the trip, my social battery was definitely far beyond dead and I needed some good alone time !

I was a little confused in the beginning on why this trip was referred to as a learning advance instead of just a field study as they normally are referred to as. But after hearing a little more about this trip, an advance seemed like a good name for it! Because while yes we did have loads of fun, we also brought along a lot of our classroom activities as well! I really value this advance in the way I believe it was a great team building experience as well as an individual learning experience!

I think i academically learned as a person, as well as learning a little about myself, such as how I act in certain situations, as well as for exactly how long I can handle being around other people without a little break. 

I am really grateful for this experience and hope to have more of them like this in the future!

here is my awesome loonlake book!


Thank you for reading !!

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