The fantastic, fantabulous Mid Year Presentation of Learning or MPOLS. In this presentation I will cover a) the things I have learnt b) my successes and c) my weak points.
The multitiude of things I have learnt
In Humanities we started off with The Advertisment Unit. In that unit we learnt about designing graphics, promoting products, how to interview and contact people and how to apply criticism. It was definitely an eye opening experience for me, learning how to apply feedback to the best of my abilities. The group I was in first had to create an ad for a local business which we then proceeded to make at least four drafts of the for having a final product, then we created for a business in Oregon when we went down there on her first field study as a PLP class.
The next unit we began was Worldview and Religion Unit. During this Unit we learnt more stuff about worldivew and religion then I honestly thought I would ever know about. And about creating infographics. I learnt about how religion could affect different aspects of worldview I.e. geography, time and economy all aspects of worldivew affected by religion. For example: Muslims believe in the five pillars of Islam, one of those five pillars is Zakat which demands you give part of your income to the poor and that would therefore affect their economy. A part of this unit was a three day (three separate days that is) field study to 6 different religious institutions. A Sikh temple or Gudwara, A Hindu temple, A Synagogue, A Church, A Buddhist temple and A Mosque. We were put into groups, assigned a religion to work on and ultimately had to create an info graphic for said religion.
The Growth Mindset unit was one of the first thing I learnt about in PLP. It was all about learning to take criticism in the right way and realizing that in most cases to learn to succeed you had to have failed before. I think it was really about realizing the importance of not giving up and that if you put practice over and over again into something you could succeed at it. What I enjoyed in class, for the most part, was watching videos about how people overcame struggles and realized that failure wasn’t always a bad thing and it made it very real for me.
The Star Wars project, undoubtedly one of the Best and kinda weird projects I have ever done. The goal of the project was to create a presentation based on question that we had come up with pertaining to Star Wars in someway. My question was about tauntauns, I wondered how,given the fact that they were lizard kind, they could survive on Hoth, an arctic like planet. After contacting researchers in the field of herpetology (the study of amphibians and reptiles) and surfing the web for many hours I came to the conclusion that tauntauns to have been able to survive on Hoth had either a) developed Endothermy ( The ability to produce your own heat instead of relying on your environments heat) or b) developed several adaptations to help them survive, arguably endothermy could be one of the adaptations that help them survive.
The Mighty Molecular Movies and the Kinetic theory of matter. Oh boy, those mighty Molecular movies were something. They tested both our knowledge of the Kinetic Theory of Matter. And how to be an actor/actress found out I was not very good at acting. The Kinetic theory of matter is the theory that talks about how fast particles move, how much space there is between them and how using both of those observation we can indentify which form said matter is in. For example, if the particles are hardly moving at all and very close together then they would probably be forming solid. In the mighty molecular movies, we had to illustrate the Kinetic theory of matter.
The door is a bore no more was a project in which we had to increase the surface area of a certain allocated amount of a door in our science classroom, by five. My group and I thought the point of this project was to familiarize ourselves with surface area and how to calculate it. Thy original plan was to create 50 small triangular prism‘s to increase surface area of the door by five, But instead one of my teammates had the idea to make eight larger triangular prisms. I found that I struggled with this project because I didn’t understand the steps but I stepped in and got it explained in a way I understood.
Successes this year
This year was definitely a big year for me, I believe by far, one of my big successes was learning how to take constructive feedback. I grew as a learner, in the sense that I am now able to see that there are multiple ways of learning things and that if you don’t get something right it’s not the end of the world. One of the great part about PLP is that not only do you get a second shot at something but you get a second shot to make it work so much better. I think, I had some struggles getting work done on time within certain projects but I learned how to deal with and work better with people that I Didn’t know as well and how to divvy up tasks.
My areas of improvement
This past year I have struggled with the pressure of being in PLP and haven’t always taken it the right way. So my goal for this year is to learn how to deal with stress better and how to manage my time so I’m not rushing to do everything at the last minute.