A Blue Sky Project. 

Well… What is it? A Blue Sky Project, aka Passion Projects, 20% Time, Genius Hour etc, is a project that you can base on any topic you want… As long as it includes a driving question.
For my Blue Sky, I decided to take something that I’m very passionate about, and use it to change someones thoughts or opinions of something. I’m going to take photos of recycled items in natural areas in and about my community, and I’m going to show them to a few locals and interview them about “how the pictures affect their ideas and actions towards recycling”.

To start off my project, I had to pitch my ideas to my teachers, then to my parents, to make sure that my project was a doable one. After that I created a timeline with all of the steps I will take to complete my project. Here it is:


This week I have already begun to research and plan out how I’m going to actually show and present my project. I have decided to make a photo scrapbook and an iMovie. I’m very excited to see these two pieces of my project form and take their shape through the next couple of weeks!