Well hello there people-who-probably-accidentally-found-my-random-blog-where-I-put-school-work, it’s been a while. So I’m writing today about my stressful experience with “Star Wars”. And if you don’t know what that is, I suggest you go and do your research right away before you find a mob of angry Stormtroopers at your house, ready to take you down with their blasters.

Anyways, I belong to a class with twenty-two smarty pants students, and two “obsessive-over-anything-Star-Wars” teachers. So obviously we were told that we would be having “Feel The Force” Friday’s, and a large Star Wars exhibition, all leading up to the release of “Episode 7: The Force Awakens”. Sounds exciting right? I mean, yeah I wasn’t over the moon joyful, like my life would be finally complete after this Star Wars unit, but I was mildly looking forward to this new topic. But after many days of dreadful procrastination, all-nighters, and dressing like a space queen and having everyone call you “Princess Leia”, I decided that this unit was all the Star Wars I needed to last a lifetime.
The “Star Wars Mini Maker Faire” was an exhibition similar to the annual “Blue Sky” projects that we create at the end of each year. If you want to see what I did last year, check my post way, way back. So for this “Star Wars themed Blue Sky”, we were put into “planet groups”, which were categorized by similarities within our projects.
I chose to make an iMovie diving deeper into the personalities and emotions of R2-D2, the small, adorable droid that contributed humour and innocence to the Star Wars series. But, I used clips from the movie to prove my theory, and so it was rejected from YouTube and was too large to post directly onto this site, so you are just going to have to see it in your imagination. Sorry.

This project caused me a lot of stress, tears, and whining, turning me into a rebellious toddler refusing to eat her vegetables. Usually, I am a person who uses her time wisely to complete work, but for some reason, this project was an exception. I procrastinated until the last THREE DAYS of time to work on our projects. Like… Who does that? I guess I just wasn’t getting the right Star Wars vibes, and I felt a tremor in the Force, telling me to waste my time and not work on my movie. But eventually, I came out with an interesting, and COMPLETE iMovie, that I was very proud of.
I definitely learned how to procrastinate, and how much of a bad idea it is. I don’t recommend it, even when you are so uninterested in the unit or project, it comes back and bites you in the butt. I also learned that R2-D2 is a much more complex character than we all see him as. He has human emotions and personalities, even though he doesn’t speak our languages or look like us. This Star Wars project was quite a learning experience, it was the first time I had watched all of the movies in sequence, and also the first time I was driven to dress as the queen of Naboo for extra marks. (Here’s a picture of my best friend and I at the exhibition. I am the one that looks like a pale doll with space buns, trying to be Queen Amidala):

Star Wars is a whole other world that many people are obsessed with and drawn to. I’ve had a taste of the fascinating fandom, but I think I’ll sit on the sidelines from now on. Too many lightsabers and brown robes for me to take in