This last week in class, we almost completed reading the play, “Romeo & Juliet”. During Act 3, Scene 1, two deaths occurred; those of Mercutio and Tybalt. These deaths played a big part of the story line, and influenced the actions of some other characters in the play.

I have created a newspaper article that announces Mercutio and Tybalt’s deaths; but I have chosen not to use Shakespearean english, and instead written it in modern english. I then thought about the Chorus at the start of the play, and how it acts as a commentary, of sorts. So I decided to attempt to become the Chorus in the article. I based this newspaper article on the 1996 movie interpretation of William Shakespeare’s “Romeo + Juliet”. Some parts are also based off our modern day societies.


I really liked making this newspaper article; it challenged me to use my creativity and writing skills. Next time I will try and make the article less descriptive and more report-like. I would add in some more “witnesses tell…”, and less descriptive writing techniques.

I’ve enjoyed diving deeper into “Romeo & Juliet” and really getting to understand the play. This is our final “TWIL” post, and I think these activities have helped me with my work layout, and they have also given me a new way to view and think about different topics. Overall, I am really quite proud of these posts, and am looking forward to doing something similar again soon.