Inside The Mind Of Gabi

Wake Up And See The World

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That’s A Wrap: SLC Overview

Overall, I have progressed immensely as a learner through the year in Flight class. Confidence has always been a struggle for me at school, as you’ve probably heard many times. But I never really was a confident learner, and I think this year I’ve blossomed and have become a student who is able to be a leader and a follower. Another skill I have acquired is my ability to think with an innovative and critical mind to get a deep answer or thought. This has helped me greatly during the year with a lot of work that we have done.

During this year, I have also improved on my movie making skills. In the beginning, I wasn’t really sure how to use iMovie correctly, or what factors created a gripping story within a movie. So when I made my Frankenstuffie movie, even though I got a great mark, I still think there was room for improvement.

But a couple of weeks ago, we created our Blue Sky Projects, and I made an iMovie for the exhibition. I believe that it told a story and it hooked people in because they wanted to know what different people had to say. I incorporated many forms of media, like music, video, photos, and text, and these factors really complimented the interviews, and connected to the mood of the video.

This year, there have been so many amazing projects that we have done, from our first ever explain everything, to Our Cray Cray Yay Yay Seattle Videos, that it was just impossible for me to pick one project that I was most proud of. So I chose my Blue Sky Project, and The Metaphor Machine Project.

My Blue Sky project was based around the idea of recycling in and around my community. I learned how to create a really thoughtful question and use an open mind to get a whole new view on the topic. There are many reasons why I am proud of this project, but I think the main one is because it shows how much I have developed my skills as a learner and created something that I am really happy with, without any drastic help from anyone.

Many different aspects of my learning have gotten better during the year. The one I think that I have improved on the most though, was my ability to be a leader in a group or in the class. I will be explaining this in more detail when I talk about my goal setting and achievements, but for now I want to talk about how this has helped me to grow as a learner.

In groups of about six or seven, we created Metaphor Machines, to display the events of an assigned revolution. My group was assigned the English Revolution, and personally, I believe we did an excellent job with ours. There were three key components to our full completed machine; a blueprint, an iMovie, and the actual machine itself. I was very proud of my group work for this project. I feel as though I communicated well with all of my group members, and I felt like a natural leader as the architect.

And even though, as you watch our iMovie, it might not be the best I have done this year, we really put a lot of energy, and effort into this project, and I think it was one of my best yet!

Men In Charge… Wait What?

This last week in school, we were looking through the topic of Colonialism. We were assigned (sadly) a mini project based on the colonization of New France, in the late 1600’s. I wrote a small report on the Comte de Frontenac, then did a two minute explain everything to go along with the report. Here they are:


During the lifetime of New France, the Comte de Frontenac, or Louis de Buade, became the Governor of New France on two different instances; The first was from 1672 to 1682 and the second from 1689 to his death in 1698. He was one of the most important Governors of New France, and introduced many new changes to the nation while he was in charge.

He joined the French military when he was a teen, and became a French soldier. Frontenac sailed to New France from La Rochelle in France, leaving his wife and his position in court, in France, to begin his life in New France.

While in the position of Governor, Frontenac planned to move and spread New France westwards, and take over the majority of the fur trade in the Great Lakes and even further west. He had to work quickly, as the Iroquois were beginning to be stirred up by their English neighbours who were similarly negotiating with the Native people of Canada to help them in the fur trading business. Frontenac took quick action and created a fur trading post on Lake Ontario, and arrested many who defied his intensions to control the majority of the western fur trading post.

As he pushed through this plan, it backfired when New France landed into some old trouble with the Iroquois. This started a series of wars between the two. During one of many, Frontenac marched two thousand men into the Iroquois territories. The Iroquois fled quickly from the site, and in later years, New France and the Iroquois signed a peace treaty.



Afterwards, we were given three different mini projects to do. I chose to make a brochure that was leasing a piece of farmland, in the perspective of a Seigneur. Here’s my brochure:



End Of An Era… Or Maybe Just A Project

We just recently had our Blue Sky project exhibition, and it was a ball! We used the library and the Flight room, and so many people turned up to explore through the different themes and projects.

My project turned out to be a success. Lots of people were interested in what I did and what people had to say about recycling practices in our community. If you havent seen my past blog poists about my Blue Sky project here’s a recap of what mine actually was.

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My Blue Sky project is based around the idea of recycling in and around my community. To answer my question, I first had to take the pictures of different recyclables in my local forests and parks. Then I fused them together and created a scrapbook to show people and interview them.

I asked people a series of three questions based around how my photos were affecting their thoughts of recycling. During this process, I learned that so many people in my community really care about the environment and want to do anything they can to make our practices stronger.



I really enjoyed working on our Blue Sky Projects! At first they were a challenge because I found coming up with a topic and driving question very difficult. But once I got the ball rolling and I figured out how I was going to work with my question, I found that the project became easier to construct.

I think, if I were to redo the project, I would make a deeper question to try and get a clearer answer to my driving question. I would also try and interview a bigger variety of people. As for the presentation side, I would bring a mini speaker for my iPad, so people could hear. But other than that I don’t think I would change much else.

Overall, this was probably my favourite project of the whole year and I’m looking forward to doing it again next year, with a whole new topic and look!

Ethics Videos And Group Crises

When my class took our trip to California, we weren’t just there for a school vacation away from school. We actually had to do work!? Anyways, our work was more of a documentation project while we were in California, then when we got back home, that’s where the real work began.

This project was called our Ethics Video, and it kind of built off of our ethics debates. If you’ve read one of my previous posts about my group’s debate, you will know that the topic of it was “Are zoos essential for the preservation of endangered species?” The topic is the exact same for our video.

It’s right below!


So when we were told about the project, it was meant to be based on a 60 Minutes type format video. I think we did a pretty good job with that aspect of our project. I think we also did a good job at getting our point across, that zoos aren’t always essential, in fact most times they are harmful. My group had quite a few struggles with this project. Some of us were super non-workers, and some of us were getting really annoyed with each other. I’m not going to lie… At one point of the process, I wanted to rip my hair out of my head and throw it all to a river of alligators! But we did end up sorting out our crises and we got things finally done and dusted!

Metaphor Machine: And That’s All Folks

And it’s over with a bang!!! Yeah that’s right, we have officially finished the Metaphor Machine project! And what a roller coaster it was!

I’m actually really proud of our final product…even if it didn’t work the majority of the time. My group was formed of brilliant minds and we worked super hard to make everything great for the exhibition night.

Chris and Anatolia’s iMovie was great and added lots of detail to go with our machine. Nash and I’s blueprint looked great fine lined and dolled up. It looked very professional (if I do say so myself). And then of course there was the machine, the we all worked on but Michael and Zak made it all work and come together as the engineers.

On the exhibition night, we all did a great job to explain our machine well and demonstrate as best we could with a non functional pulley system.

Anyways, here’s our video for our all so amazing Metaphor Machine:

Overall, this was definitely a project that will not be forgotten. From wanting to make a green screen with our machine, to Chris’s whirlwind of emotions being displayed! I am looking forward to doing another similar project in the future!

Blue Sky: Wait, Now I’m A Journalist?

After taking all of my recycling filled pictures, I now need to interview different people about how they affect them. I came up with a series of three questions to ask people;

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you see the picture?

How does it make you feel about the environment, recycling?

Does this picture affect your opinion of current recycling practices and implementation?

I decided to interview 7 different people to be in my movie, as part of my project.

After I had finished my movie for my presentation, I had to figure out what else I was going to show at the exhibit. So I’ve decided to make a poster board out of a reused cardboard box. Then I am going to find some multi coloured cardboard stars, to write down a word or phrase that represents the main message of each interview.

Green Mean Machine?

The Big Question: Have we finished our Metaphor Machine yet?

The answer to that is yes and no. Yes as in Nash and I completed the blueprints and they are looking spick and span, as well as the Machine working 50% of the time. No as in I kind of have no clue about what is going on with the iMovie (but because Chris and Anatolia are in charge of that, I believe that it’s going to rock!), and the Machine is only working 50% of the time!

So moving on, a great way to summarize our machine-making experience is to make a short film displaying all the different emotions that we had. But Anatolia beat me to it and already made one of those. Here’s hers:

But I still kind of wanted to make my own, so I did… Even though it’s pretty much the exact same as hers (sorry Anatolia). Here’s mine:

Your probably thinking “well your group is kind of all over the palce” and your machine probably isn’t going to work”. But honestly, my group was great during this project and they were a blast to work with! And yes our machine only works 5/10 times and it’s a huge Green Mean Machine, but I am proud of the work we have accomplished and I am confident that we will have a great finished product ready to show on exhibition night!


Full Speed Ahead With My Blue Sky

GO GO GO GO!!!! We only have 9 more days until our exhibition night for our Blue Sky Projects and I still have quite alot to accomplish before I can say I’m done.

In this video, I explain what I have finished this week to help me complete my project.

I am going to get my pictures developed, and then put them into my display book. Afterwards I will interview about five people and ask them about what my pictures make them feel. I have also been adding to my iMovie and editing what footage I have.

This week, I feel like I could have worked a bit more on my progress to completion, because I feel as though I’m behind on my timeline and work that I need to have. But otherwise, if I keep up the hard work (starting now) I can show a final product at the exhibition that I am proud of.


Blue Sky: So… Should I Call A Camera Crew?

So you might be wondering about my Blue Sky Project I’m working on… It’s going hella awesome!!!!

I’ve been getting everything ready and organized to (finally) start to construct my idea and make it come to life. If you don’t know what my topic is, I’m pretty much taking pictures of recyclables around my community and showing them to a variety of people who live in the area. I’m also going to be making an iMovie that documents my progress and gives some background info on recycling where I live.

During the week I made up a few questions to ask the interviewees, that I will be talking to about my pictures, and this weekend I took a few pictures and started to think about what my iMovie is going to look like.

We have quite a lot of class time to work on our projects, and in the future I hope I use it wiser than I have been: I think that I could work on being more productive and wary of the time limits of the project. I tend to be distracted by my friends, or just the atmosphere of the classroom (things to talk about and stuff to laugh at etc.)

If I fix my distractedness (DEFINITION: the ability to be distracted… I think I just made a new word?!) I will be on the right track for success with my Blue Sky!


What A Blue Sky!

A Blue Sky Project. 

Well… What is it? A Blue Sky Project, aka Passion Projects, 20% Time, Genius Hour etc, is a project that you can base on any topic you want… As long as it includes a driving question.
For my Blue Sky, I decided to take something that I’m very passionate about, and use it to change someones thoughts or opinions of something. I’m going to take photos of recycled items in natural areas in and about my community, and I’m going to show them to a few locals and interview them about “how the pictures affect their ideas and actions towards recycling”.

To start off my project, I had to pitch my ideas to my teachers, then to my parents, to make sure that my project was a doable one. After that I created a timeline with all of the steps I will take to complete my project. Here it is:


This week I have already begun to research and plan out how I’m going to actually show and present my project. I have decided to make a photo scrapbook and an iMovie. I’m very excited to see these two pieces of my project form and take their shape through the next couple of weeks!

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