Inside The Mind Of Gabi

Wake Up And See The World

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Impact of The Railways and Trains

At the start of the school year, all the way back in September of 2014, we studied the Industrial Revolution. We learned about all the different inventions and machines that were created and we also made a mini project all about how the train changed Britain during the Industrial Revolution, when it was invented. We used the app, Explain Everything to present what we learned about, well, trains!

Here’s mine: Hope you like it!

To produce this mini project we made a storyboard/ script that reminded us of what was going on each slide and what we were saying here and so on and so forth. We planned it all out and away we went.

If I were to redo this project at the work level that I am producing at this point in the year, it would probably have been ten times more interesting and just better overall. I would add in some interesting backgrounds and make my voice sound more enthusiastic and, just generally happier. But overall I thought that this project was a good one to start off my learning in P.L.P (Performance Learning Program) and I learned a great deal from completing it.

TWIL: The Verona Star Newspaper

This last week in class, we almost completed reading the play, “Romeo & Juliet”. During Act 3, Scene 1, two deaths occurred; those of Mercutio and Tybalt. These deaths played a big part of the story line, and influenced the actions of some other characters in the play.

I have created a newspaper article that announces Mercutio and Tybalt’s deaths; but I have chosen not to use Shakespearean english, and instead written it in modern english. I then thought about the Chorus at the start of the play, and how it acts as a commentary, of sorts. So I decided to attempt to become the Chorus in the article. I based this newspaper article on the 1996 movie interpretation of William Shakespeare’s “Romeo + Juliet”. Some parts are also based off our modern day societies.


I really liked making this newspaper article; it challenged me to use my creativity and writing skills. Next time I will try and make the article less descriptive and more report-like. I would add in some more “witnesses tell…”, and less descriptive writing techniques.

I’ve enjoyed diving deeper into “Romeo & Juliet” and really getting to understand the play. This is our final “TWIL” post, and I think these activities have helped me with my work layout, and they have also given me a new way to view and think about different topics. Overall, I am really quite proud of these posts, and am looking forward to doing something similar again soon.

TWIL: Creating Extended Metaphors

So this week in class, we continued reading the play, “Romeo & Juliet”, by William Shakespeare. During Act 1 of the play, Lady Capulet describes Count Paris and Juliet’s potential love with an extended metaphor to a book. I found that this was a very interesting and graceful way of poetry and description. So I decided to write my own extended metaphor, describing someone that I know to an object.

But, I ended up writing two different paragraphs; one about my late grandma, and one about my younger brother.

Here they are:


First I pondered upon who I would write about; Who did I know well enough to dive deep into their persona and explain all about them, in just a paragraph of words? I chose my grandma first. She was a huge part of my life, even if it was just for a small amount of it. Writing about her was just so natural for me.

In my mind, autumn leaves represent her.


Next I wrote about my brother. He is crazy and annoying and endlessly buzzing; everything a brother should be. Describing him as a circus was super simple and it made me smile.

I represented him with a travelling circus.


Overall, I believe that writing is one of my strengths; I just love to let my mind go free and let my ideas turn into something that I am, in the end, really proud of. I think this process happened with this mini project. And even if these paragraphs weren’t perfect ones, I’m very happy with them and I wrote them with a lot of effort.


Autumn Leaf

TWIL: Women In The Theatre

During the week, we started to talk about Shakespearean times and Elizabethan theatre.


As we looked through the information, I learned that in this time period, women weren’t allowed to perform on stage; only men. Therefore young boys played the roles of women, and they had to wear layers of female clothing, wigs, and make-up. During the Elizabethan era make-up was lead-based and highly toxic, so the young actors were quite unhealthy with skin problems, and some even died from lead poisoning.


I found this quite interesting, I mean were women not good enough for the theatre? Were they less experienced than men? Women in this time period were brought up being taught that they were inferior to men. That men were the superior beings. So the thought of them up on stage where everyone could see them was preposterous. Women in groups were commonly mistaken as prostitutes, and to see them in a travelling troupe was inappropriate and immoral. Females were so looked down upon that very few attended the theatre, and if one were to attend, they were higher classed women wearing masks to protect their reputations.

This all changed when, in 1942 theatres were closed down, as England was on the brink of a civil war. The Puritan Parliament forbid plays, arguing that theatres distracted and split apart the nation from it’s endeavours to “appease and avert the wrath of God.” It wasn’t until King Charles II came into power, about the year 1660, that women could finally act in the theatre, when they were reopened and in full swing once more.

Personally, I believe that women should have been granted more rights in Elizabethan times. And they sure as heck, should have been able to act on stage. But to counter this, I wonder if women, even if they were granted the right to be in the theatres, would have actually done it. Because I am betting that men probably would not have liked the fact that women were on stage, despite the law. This leads into a whole new topic that I won’t be discussing in this blog post but it’s something to think about for later.

Here are my sources:

Elizabethan Theatre

Why Weren’t Woman Allowed To Act

Elizabethan Women

Elizabethan Theatre History

Elizabethan Globe Theatre

Elizabethan Woman

SLC Introduction

This series of blog posts is my Student Led Conference. A student led conference is a meeting, of sorts, between the student, the parents, and the teacher. The student presents some sort of portfolio or learning log that communicates and reflects their learning experiences.

In that, I will present to you four blog posts:

Humanities Overview

Science Overview

Overall Portfolio Reflection

My Goals for the Future

In the humanities and science sections, I will be sharing my accomplishments, and also how I think I’m doing. My portfolio reflection talks about my achievements and challenges as a learner during the first half of the year. And finally, I will tell you a few goals that I’ve set out for myself, so that I can continue to grow and improve.

Humanities Overview

During our term 1 in humanities, we created a few different projects, but the one I was most proud of was my Seattle video. On our trip to Seattle, we worked very hard to collect footage for our unit projects, based on the slogan: “Cray Cray Yay Yay”. We worked in groups to create short documentary movies, on the App iMovie, based on certain topics; my group focused on how the idea of MTV was “crazy”!
For me, it was well thought out and portrayed, and I expressed my knowledge of MTV in the movie.

Click below to check out my MTV blog post:

MTV Changed The World? Yeah Right

From this project, I learned a lot of cool information that I will keep with me for a long time. A lot of what we researched is part of our history that, for me, is as important as anything historical. For next time, I think that we should incorporate more interesting footage, and a bit less dialogue to make the movie more gripping.

Overall in humanities, I am eager to learn new things, I am engaged in class, and I partake in the interesting activities that we do. An example of this is when we were reading the book, “Leviathan”, and we worked in groups to discuss the book, after every section we read.

Here is one of my role/discussion sheets:


But I also have some weaknesses when it comes to my learning in humanities class; I can get bored or off task if the topic we are studying is uninteresting for me. This can happen if we aren’t doing any discussions or any activities to go along with the work, to keep me “excited for what we are going to be doing next class”. This can also be a solution, and may help me to engage in topics that I am having trouble focussing in.

Science Overview

Science has been quite a successful class for me in term 1. I have worked hard to produce high quality work, and I am most proud of my Genetic Mutations project. This was our first big project in the class, and I decided to present it as a giant pamphlet. I was not yet fully comfortable with using my iPad as a way to create a project, and because of this I chose to portray to information the way I did. I did all the research on my genetic mutation (Galactosemia), then I put it into a pages document and shaped it into a first draft. I then edited it to make a second draft, and finally put the third and final copy onto the poster.

Here is a picture of my Genetic Mutations project:


I learned a great deal of important information during this unit, that I could potentially use in my future. If I could redo the whole project I would definitely try and do it on my iPad, so I could come to grips with the “new device”, as we did this project at the beginning of the year, and put myself outside of my comfort zone. But other than that, I don’t think I would change anything else — The final product was a great achievement for me, that I am really proud of.

Overall in science, I am a very good listener in class, not only to my teacher, but also to my classmates and their thoughts and opinions in class. But I tend to be a bit quiet in science, and I tend to not include myself in class discussions, at times. As a result of this, I can sometimes become distracted from the work we are doing, and get off topic. One of my main academic goals in this class, that could help me overcome some of my weaknesses, is to include myself in the class activities, discussions etc.

Overall Portfolio Reflection

For the first half of the year, I believe that I have constructed high quality work, that I have put a lot of effort into. I have good work ethics and I am a productive learner.
I am a good listener, whether I’m with my teacher, my peers, or my classmates, and I take other people’s opinions and ideas into consideration when I’m learning. An example of this is when we were working in groups and acting out a skit about a group of people called the Luddites, I listened to everyones ideas and thoughts about what we should do, and we ended up with a skit that we were proud of.

Below is part of the work that we were asked to complete as a group, as part of the activity:


Sometimes, I procrastinate on work that can be important to my learning. For example, when we were assigned to read a certain amount of chapters from the book, “Into Thin Air”, I sometimes waited until the last day to read them, and I was unable to finish the required reading. Also I can get very stressed if I am assigned any work that I might not understand. This can affect my learning because if I don’t understand, then I am unable to complete the work correctly. In order to fix this I should ask more questions, to my teachers or classmates, that could help me with difficult work. And I need to prioritize my time to give myself enough time to complete work assignments and or study for quizzes and tests.


In class, I like to work with others, in groups, because different people have different thoughts that I maybe don’t have. I find it interesting to see what others have to say about something that I have different opinions on. I usually work well with others, and it is relatively easy to get our work done and handed in on the deadline.

For the first half of this year I have already felt myself becoming a more mature and efficient learner. I have made good choices. I used my time wisely so that I could study and do my work, I was at all the classes I could be at, and I have made friendships with my classmates so that we can work well and easily together. I believe that these all affect my learning in a positive manner, this is some evidence of how I have grown as an individual learner!

My Goals for the Future

Through the first half of the school year, there have been times where I have noticed that I could be doing a better job at something, or there is an area in my learning that I need to improve. Setting goals for myself is a big part of my learning; a way that I can help myself become a more successful student.

My first goal is for my humanities course: I would like to be able to confidently work harder at becoming a leader, whether it’s as a class group, in small groups, or individually taking charge of my own learning, better. This goal can affect my learning by giving me the chance to be the “comfortable-with-being-a-leader” person in a group, that I am striving to become.


The second goal that I am going to be discussing is for my science course. “I would like to be able to interact, share my thoughts and ideas, and ask more questions in class”. This can affect my learning by giving me the drive to ask more direct and complex questions in the classroom; whether I’m talking to my teacher, peers, or classmates. Because, as I stated in my science post, I find that I am quite a quite person in science. I can achieve this by not being afraid to speak up for myself and give myself the opportunity to get the answers to work or assignments that might not be clear to me.


This next goal is more of a personal development type. I would really like to improve my time management skills; to give myself time for studying, but also leave time for my extra-curricular activities. I feel like sometimes I get really stressed with everything going on with school, sports, family, and I think that if I developed better time management skills, it would make everything a lot easier to deal with. For example I could give myself an hour a day without my phone to focus on school/home work. Overall, this goal can help improve myself and my learning because I will have had time to finish homework/schoolwork .


Frankenstuffie Creative Story

This is my Frankenstuffie creative story. I wrote it about my Frankenstuffie creation; The Dottabear. It’s a mixture of a cat, a dog, and a bear. And I actually got the first idea for the Dottabear, from my cat. Then the idea just grew on from there. Click down below to see how I partially created the Dottabear:


And here is my Dottabear story:

Gabi Rossignol
The Curious Tale of the Dottabear

If you don’t especially enjoy reading about the following– an troubled scientist, a fist fight with experimental chemicals, and a start to a new life– then I suggest that you don’t continue. But if you do, than this is the story of how a strange creature was created; the tale of the Dottabear..
On a spring afternoon, a large mansion stood in the small town of Collinsville. It belonged to a Dr Lance Labyrinth but this doctor wasn’t some surgeon, he was a genius scientist, or so he thought. In the town of Collinsville, Dr Labyrinth was infamous for his genetically modified animals. Almost all of his experiments ended in failure, but Lance would never give up on his explorations of science. He was fascinated by the joining of different animal’s DNA, or how animals could be improved with just a new attachment for a DNA strand.
This particular day had been more tough on Dr Labyrinth than usual – a large and furious mob had crashed his door down and attacked his laboratory, because his old creation, a cross between a shark and a horse, had gone terribly and all of the town’s people were terrified of it. So they would take it all out on poor Dr Labyrinth, the same goes with his previous lab experiments. But when the doctor came into his lab, he was shocked to see tables overturned, liquids spread over everything, and small fires erupting in some places, due to upturned candles. The doctor could not take stress well and felt anger bubbling inside him. He suddenly yelled.
“Stupid lab, stupid chemicals, stupid brain!” He bellowed and knocked over a metal pole, also bringing down a box of syringes and plants.
“Why must everything end badly for me?” The doctor yelled to no one in particular. He pulled his bleeding knuckles back for another punch at some chemicals. At the last second he came to his senses and drew his hand away to his side.
“I, Doctor Lance Labyrinth, do not give up! I am the greatest scientist of all and now I will create a glorious animal, that will blow minds!” He turned on his heel and began to design his “amazing” animal.
He started with the body and back legs of a cat, for stealth and quickness. Then the front arms of a monkey, for good climbing skills and grabbing food. Next was the head of a dog, for the sensitive hearing skills. For the nose and mouth, the doctor chose a bear, because the large teeth and mouth were good for chomping and because of the sensitive nose. For the finishing touch he added a large pink dot for character.
“I have created my masterpiece, The Dottabear!” Dr Labyrinth belted out. By now the scientist could hardly keep his eyes open so he left the creature on the experiment table and went to bed, after many sleepless hours.


The next morning, the doctor made his coffee, as always, and began to read the morning’s paper. He took a large sip and immediately spat it out, for he had just remembered about the last night’s events and his new creation. He abruptly stood up and speed towards his lab. When he got there, the creature had vanished from the cold, experimental table, but left a trail of white cat fur in it’s tracks. Dr Labyrinth followed the fur to the plant experiment part of his laboratory, spotting the Dottabear grabbing huge leaves from one of the banana trees.
He gently stepped closer to the Dottabear, and crouched down slowly, as of not to disturb it. The creature sniffed the air and turned to face Dr Labyrinth. It ambled lazily over to the doctor and nuzzled him with it’s damp, bear nose, while Dr Labyrinth sighed with prosperity.
“I’m glad at least you like me, young Dottabear,” He mumbled sadly. But after Dr Labyrinth introduced the Dottabear to the rest of the town of Collinsville, the creature wasn’t the only one that liked him. The whole town welcomed the new animal into the forests; but most importantly, they were also welcoming to Dr Labyrinth.

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