Grace’s Blog

My Learning Portfolio, or My Blog, or Whatever You Want to Call it

Poetry in Motion…in Class

  After completing the previous unit in Humanities class (on worldviews and religions), I thought we were done with it. I was quite mistaken, as another course came up on poetry, specifically worldview poetry. A substitute teacher came in for a week and taught us all about poems, terms, and how to apply our worldviews….

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Math at Mid-year

Yayyyyy! Another blog post (this is the third one I’ve done in two days)! This is one about a subject I’ve never fully covered before; math. Math is one of my favourite subjects in school, even if everyone else doesn’t like it. I’d say this year has actually thrown me off course a bit when…

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Science at Mid-Year

As you may know, science doesn’t involve as much assignments and projects in Grade 8 PLP, so I thought doing a review half-way through would be a good way for my blog to have at least something from this subject. To connect to a math study, I remember doing a fun experiment were in parters,…

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M-POLs: The Work I’m Proud of So Far

It’s getting to the time in the school year where work is getting harder, more events are happening, and stress levels go up. This is also known as mid-year, so because of M-POLs (mid-year presentation of learning), and my own recollection I decided to make a blog post on the work I’m proud of so…

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Worldview and Religions

Religious worldviews and how faiths impact people are highly important topics to know about in many parts of life. These ideas are part of what my classmates and I were assigned as the next unit in our humanities classes. The driving question was “How is religious worldview represented in the real world?”. Starting This Unit The…

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The Winter Exhibiton: A Star Wars Story

A short time ago in a classroom far, far away….. There was a student named Grace who made a project on Star Wars. That student is me, and the project was based off my inquiry question (something I wanted to research about Star Wars). When my teachers announced that this year’s winter exhibition, where we would…

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The Making of a Growth Mindset

To begin Maker class this school year, we (my classmates and I) started to learn about Growth Mindset. This is essentially a way of thinking so you or whoever else develops one, knows how to learn from mistakes, accept challenges, and work harder. Having a growth mindset is the option everyone should take over a…

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Oregon Coast Field School: PLP 2017

Once a year, each grade in PLP gets the chance to go on an amazing field school (essentially a trip that lasts over a few days where the class visits loads of places and is incredibly busy learning and having fun). This year, the Oregon Coast was the destination for the Grade 8 field school….

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The Advertising Unit

This school year in humanities, our first unit was about advertising, or how what people hear, see, and think influence us. Since this is PLP (Performance Learning Program) we’re talking about, everyone in my class knew there would be a project that this unit was working towards. This project was to make an ad of…

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