Book Rant: The Supervillan and Me

This week’s theme for the Student Blogging Challenge was Similarities and Differences. We were given four things that we could do to choose from, I could quiz our readers with fun graphics, I could make a poll, I could tell you all about my favourite type of music, or I could share a book review. Since I write so many stories it was only fitting that I write a review about a good book that I’ve read. 

The Supervillain and Me

The book that I chose to tell you about today is called The Supervillain and Me, and it’s exactly what it sounds like. A sappy romance novel about a girl and a supervillain falling in love with each other, luckily there is more to the story than that. Superheroes are common in Abby’s town there is also a lot of crime. But the line between the hero’s and villains is becoming blurry, especially when Abby is rescued by a masked supervillain named The Iron Phantom.

The story is a slow start, it took till the middle of the book before the plot picked up. However during the first part of the book I learned a lot about the characters and it keep me guessing who the Iron Phantom is. When the story does start to pick up it doesn’t just get crazy confusing, it just gets more to the point of the story and is less romantic and more action. Overall, the book was great I would recommend it to all my friends and readers. Comment down below your favourite book and why you enjoyed it so much.

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