Hey everyone, these last few months we have been working on religious worldview and as part of that we were tasked with creating a poster. The poster had to show one of the six religions we visited and how the 7 different aspects of worldview are represented in their culture. My group (Ryan, Ally, Finn, and Malaika) was given Islam as our religion which proved somewhat difficult to come up with a solid idea since there are so many parts of the religion. The first step to creating our poster was to draw out a wire frame, which is basically a rough outline of what you are going to be creating.
Our first idea was to have a 3D model of half of the earth with Kaaba in the center and mosques on other parts of the planet facing Kaaba. The reason for this was all mosques are built to face Kaaba so when you pray you are facing the towards the holiest place in all of Islamic religion. The problem with this idea was it only showed the geographic part of a Muslims worldview and non of the others.
Our first official draft showed the seven aspects of worldview but it was very unappealing to the eye. We chose to use green since it is the official colour of Islam but sadly we chose the worst shade of green possible which got us to pick some colours that made no sense to the religion. There was also too many words on the poster that no one in their right mind would choose to read the whole thing. The blank space in the middle was for the 3D earth to sit but there was no room on this draft which brings us to draft two.
The second draft was better than the first but it still had way too many words and still didn’t look up to standard at all. This time we had the globe in the middle but it took up so much space there wasn’t much for anything else. We had deleted everything we had written about the Five Pillars of Islam to make room for the globe but by doing this we got rid of a lot of crucial information. The other parts of the poster were boring and with no picture to represent them it was a literal snooze-fest. The next draft was hardly any better.
Since the last draft lacked visual content our group decided to focus mainly on the pictures and not the actual whole look of the poster. I drew all the pictures for this draft but sadly they were too big. The Five Pillars graphic was a good idea but it just didn’t fit on the poster, the pieces of text kept getting smaller and soon they showed no part of the worldview of Islam at all. The globe kept getting harder and harder to fit into the poster but we were determined to keep it in……………. until the next draft.
Our group wasn’t getting along so we decided to split into two mini groups and design two different posters on our own. I worked with Malaika while Ryan and Finn worked on their own poster we would then decided who’s to hand in. Malaika’s and mine won by a long shot, we had decided to get rid of the globe entirely and instead focus on the main parts of Islam such as: Ramadan, the Quran, Kaaba, and the Five Pillars of Islam. It was a good idea however it was too crowed and the pictures and colouring was unflattering. The layout had been improved tremendously but the quality stayed the same.
By now you can see that we kept changing the whole poster with each draft, this was due to the fact that there were no ways to build on to our ideas without breaking them down into completely new ones. The picture you see above is the wire frame of our final draft which looked way better than any of the others. Ms. Willemse was getting impatient with our group’s lack of progress so she instructed us to create three different rough drafts as individuals or as a partnership for the poster. We would then pitch our ideas to her and she would tell us which one would work the best or if we had to come up with more ideas. Malaika and I decided to work as partners and together we designed the picture you see above. Ms. Willemse liked the simplicity of the poster that we had created and said we should work to put this poster together.
As you can see our final draft worked perfectly, we used green as the main colour since it is the official colour of Islam. The poster showed the Five Pillars of Islam surrounding Kaaba, we did this because the Five Pillars are one of the most important parts of their faith and if they don’t follow one of them they aren’t technically Muslim. Kaaba was in the middle of the poster to show how it is the most important place in all of Islamic religion and that you must always face Kaaba if you are to pray. Although my group had some ups and down in the process we came through and showed exactly what we were capable of. We overcame many hardships with the help of others and the thought of being first out of the whole class for our poster.