Hi everyone, for the last week or so I have been participating in the Student Blogging Challenge or SBC. Every week a new themed challenge is posted with steps that we have to follow and eventually make a post about, this is my post for Week 2. What we had to do was visit 3-4 blog posts from week 1 or 2 and write a good comment using commenting techniques.
The first comment that I’d like to talk about was on Ann-Louise’s blog post for week 2. she wrote about the 3 C’s and a Q method that she uses to comment on others blogs. I decided to comment on her blog since we use almost the same formula to comment on posts and I wanted to know where she learned about it.
The next blog that I visited belong to a girl that goes by Farm Girl, she wrote about what future career she wanted to have. I decided to comment on her post because she said that out of no where she wanted to be a firefighter when she was older. That was cool but what I found interesting was that she already knew what she was going to do to achieve that goal.
The last post that I commented on was a girl named Juliette’s week 2 blog post. She had created a presentation that showed the nine most important things to remember while commenting. Although the tips were good I actually decided to comment on her post to complement her on the design of the presentation and ask what software she used since the presentation looked so good.
Hello Grace,
I definitely did not eat a cricket burger!!! 🤣🤣🤣
Sorry but I just could not resist saying that.
I am Mrs Pinto and I am one of the guest commenters for the #STUBC. I work in a primary school library in Sydney, Australia.
Congratulations on a well-written post. You have explained your reasons for commenting on other’s posts very well. Did you read many more blogs other than the ones you commented on? How did you choose which or whose blogs to read?
I was really drawn to read your blog because of the name you gave it. “Amazing grace” was my dad’s favourite hymn/song. He used to sing or hum it practically every morning whilst pottering about the kitchen. Thank you for helping me revisit some good old memories.
I do look forward to reading more from you.
Happy blogging.
Mrs Pinto
Hi Mrs Pinto,
I’m glad you enjoyed reading my blog post! To answer your questions I looked at about five to ten more blogs before I commented on these three. As for how I choose which blogs to read in the first place, I just look at ones that catch my eye on the form. This means that usually I’ll go to blogs that are either from countries that you don’t always see or the participants name is uncommon. I’m really happy that I was able to remind you of some good memories with my blogs title, I also enjoy listening to Amazing Grace.
Hope you have a great day.
This is a superbly written blogpost. It is well-written with clear information and is nicely presented with blocks of text being broken up with images to aid readability. I learned a lot from reading it, well done!
Thanks a lot Andrew, I’m glad you learned about commenting from my post!
Hi Grace,
I thought that your post was well written post. I understood what you were saying the whole way. If you want to come to my blog, here is the link! http://maracojcs.edublogs.org/. I am very sorry that I could not link the post but I can’t on this Ipad.
Hi Mara,
I’m glad you thought my post was well written! I’ll make sure to check out of your blog.