“Star Wars: Attack of the Clones” The Best of the Worst


The Star Wars franchise is adored by fans around the world, which is why it is so sad to see how badly the prequels were made. However there may be a glimpse of hope in the form of “Star Wars: Attack of the Clones”. Although this movie still struggles with the fact that most of the special effects their using is new technology and hasn’t aged well. “Attack of the Clones” was still able to pull off a decent sequel with interesting characters and plot.

At the beginning of the movie we learn that it takes place ten years after the events of “Star Wars: The Phantom Menace”. This is a great plot decision because it allowed this movie to become less attached to the events in the first film and allow for new character dynamics. We also get to see how Anakin has grown as a Padawan while also seeing the first sparks of his movement towards the dark side.

For those of you who like the action sequences in Star Wars, there is plenty of action in this movie. The special effects have improved from the first movie which allowed these scenes to be even more intricate and have larger scale fights to satisfy all your action scene needs.

The one thing that was a problem in this movie is that it focused entirely too much time on the relationship between Anakin and Padame which drags out the movie. It would have made more sense to focus on Anakin and Obi-wan’s relationship so the audience has more sympathy towards them during “Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith”. Overall, “Star Wars: Attack of the Clones”, although could never live up to the standards of the original trilogy, is still a great prequel that still stands up today.

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