Hey guys, as many of you know the PLP Winter Exhibition is coming up and as always we had to create many different things for Maker and Humanities. But this year we were also tasked with creating an animation showing how elements bond and create compounds for Scimatics. To create this animation we had to use three main competencies that would help guide us to create the best animation we could. They are: Communicating, Processing and Analyzing, and Questioning and Predicting.
However, before we could start we first had to make a mind map that showed what we already knew on the subject and what we wanted to learn. Once we had finished the project we came back to it to add to it and show how it added to our understanding of the big idea: “the electron arrangement of atoms impacts their chemical nature.”
The first competency I’d like to reflect on is “Communicating”. The definition for this competency say that it is to “formulate physical or mental theoretical models to describe a phenomenon”. I feel like the best way I used this competency was how I showed the viewer exactly what I was talking about when all the ions got full valence shell by highlighting them after they had exchanged electrons.
The next competency is “Processing and Analyzing”. For this competency, the definition was: Construct, analyze, and interpret models and/or diagrams. What that means for my project was that I was able to understand the science of chemical bonding and relay that information through my animation. The best example of my knowledge of the material is when I was explaining covalent compounds since I was able to tell the viewer exactly what was happening on screen and why.
The last competency is “Questioning and Predicting”, and the definition was: Demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest. My best example of using this competency is while we were creating the animations, ifI didn’t understand something completely I would look online and visit many different sources to find the answer.