Hey guys, it may come as a surprise to some of you but although most of what we do in Humanities falls under the umbrella of social studies, the course itself is supposed to be both socials and english. This most recent project can attest to that. We were tasked with writing a persuasive text […]
Suprises Aren’t Always A Good Thing
I don’t know about the rest of you but this last week has been riddled with one surprise after another, some more welcome than others. For the last five weeks or so my class has been working on our first project of this year for Humanities which was to create a trailer for a podcast […]
The Likeness of Terms
Hey guys, for the last couple of weeks we’ve been working on a new project in scimatics that was centred around like terms and polynomials. This project was really open ended and allowed for a lot of freedom in what we would do for our product. What we had to do was make a driving […]
All You Can Do Is Run…
You see that video at the top of the post, pretty good right? Looks almost professional, so how could a group of grade 9 students with iPads make it looks so good? The answer is that we can’t but that was what we were trying to do with our first major project for maker. If […]
A House of Cards
Hey guys, for the last month or so PLP 9 has been working on a project for Scimatics, or more specifically, math. For this project we were tasked with creating a game that used exponent laws in some way. We also had to use the curricular competencies to make this project easier on us we […]
Blue Sky!
Hey guys, for the last couple of months my class has been working on two different projects: The Tempest project and Blue Sky which is what I’m going to be talking about today. To complete our Blue Sky project we had to follow the LAUNCH cycle which is basically a cycle that you follow while […]
Colonizing in a Tempest
Hey guys, for the last couple of months we have been working on a project called Colonizing in a Tempest. The purpose of this project was to teach us about the colonization of New France or, as we now call it, Canada. However since this is PLP we never just learn about something, we make […]
Turns Out We’re Still Learning About Worldview
Hey guys, this term in humanities we have been working on a single unit that had many parts to it. That unit was about the Crusades and shifts in Worldview, and the driving question for it was “How has moving from elementary school to secondary school challenged your worldview?” To start off this unit we […]
Islam Worldview
Hey everyone, these last few months we have been working on religious worldview and as part of that we were tasked with creating a poster. The poster had to show one of the six religions we visited and how the 7 different aspects of worldview are represented in their culture. My group (Ryan, Ally, Finn, […]