I don’t know about the rest of you but this last week has been riddled with one surprise after another, some more welcome than others. For the last five weeks or so my class has been working on our first project of this year for Humanities which was to create a trailer for a podcast […]
An Event of Historic Proportions
Hey guys, as you should know we are living through a global pandemic and a historic event. We are all primary sources when it comes to living in this time of social distancing and our accounts could be used to teach others about this pandemic in the future. So why not make a film showing […]
DI But Not Really
Hey guys, unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few months you probably know about the global pandemic going on. Almost everything that isn’t essential has been shut down, sadly that included the DI provincial tournament. However, luckily for us our teachers decided to host their own provincial tournament an Zoom for […]
- Humanities
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Time For Another mPOL
Hey guys, it’s been almost a year but now the time has come for mPOL’s. The driving question for this year was: What is your learning goal that you want to reach by the end of this school year, and how will you meet it? Well, to answer the first part of that question, I’ve […]
- Humanities
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Return of the Exhibition
Hey guys, as most of you know each year PLP does a Winter Exhibition in December to show off the amazing skills we have learned so far in the year. Each grade is given a huge project that are usually a mix of Humanities and Maker combined. This year was no different. Although both classes […]
‘Tis The Season For Reflection
Hey guys, this is the final week of the SBC which means it’s time to reflect on everything we did these last seven weeks. However, before I even started to reflect on my actual posts I completed a survey that helped me reflect on the whole challenge. The survey asked questions like: how would I […]
The End of An Era
Hey guys, term 1 of school is almost over and it’s time to reflect on all of the videos I’ve created over these last few months. Although every video each had completely different topics they all still had one thing in common, the ISTE standards. Since all of these videos use these standards as guides […]
The Event Of A Lifetime
Hey guys, the last couple of weeks have been crazy with all these projects that are due at the end of term. One of these projects was a live event video, you may be wondering what the heck that is, well that’s what I’ll be talking about today. Well the video that’s at the top of […]
It’s The Nutcracker!
Hey guys, this week’s theme for the SBC is Celebrations and Festivities and I decided that I would share my family’s Christmas traditions with you. My family celebrates Christmas and we have multiple traditions, like going to our family friend’s house on Christmas Eve to have an amazing roast. However, there’s one tradition that’s a […]
Emoji Story
Hey guys, this week for the SBC was focused on emoji’s, sounds fun right? Well as always there were different tasks that we could pick to do that had to do with emoji’s. One task really stood out to me, it was the emoji story prompt. What we had to do was use a random […]