Hey guys, as you should know we are living through a global pandemic and a historic event. We are all primary sources when it comes to living in this time of social distancing and our accounts could be used to teach others about this pandemic in the future. So why not make a film showing […]
DI But Not Really
Hey guys, unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last few months you probably know about the global pandemic going on. Almost everything that isn’t essential has been shut down, sadly that included the DI provincial tournament. However, luckily for us our teachers decided to host their own provincial tournament an Zoom for […]
Morals of the Past
Hey guys, for the last little bit our class has been learning about Canadian history such as how we came to Confederation in our last project. And it seems we have continued that trend with our new project which is based around Ethical Dimensions in Canadian history. For this project we were asked to answer […]
Making Machines
Hey guys, for the last couple of weeks we’ve been working on a new project in scimatics called Metaphor Machines. This project was based around creating a Rube Goldberg machine that was a metaphor for something, we also had to include a electric circuit in the machine since that was one of the thing we […]
Confederation Nation
Hey guys, as you probably know, Confederation between the colonies of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Upper and Lower Canada was achieved in 1867. It was a day of historic proportion but it would have never happened if not for all the conferences and negotiations that went into creating the Confederation. So we decided to […]
In Nations We Trust
Giphy Hey guys, if you read my previous blog post you would know that we have been learning about the effects of nationalism around the world. If you haven’t read it I suggest that you go over there and read it since it explains a major part of my project. Here’s the link. Anyways, since […]
The Likeness of Terms
Hey guys, for the last couple of weeks we’ve been working on a new project in scimatics that was centred around like terms and polynomials. This project was really open ended and allowed for a lot of freedom in what we would do for our product. What we had to do was make a driving […]
- Humanities
- ...
Return of the Exhibition
Hey guys, as most of you know each year PLP does a Winter Exhibition in December to show off the amazing skills we have learned so far in the year. Each grade is given a huge project that are usually a mix of Humanities and Maker combined. This year was no different. Although both classes […]
Animation Mania
Hey guys, as many of you know the PLP Winter Exhibition is coming up and as always we had to create many different things for Maker and Humanities. But this year we were also tasked with creating an animation showing how elements bond and create compounds for Scimatics. To create this animation we had to […]
The Event Of A Lifetime
Hey guys, the last couple of weeks have been crazy with all these projects that are due at the end of term. One of these projects was a live event video, you may be wondering what the heck that is, well that’s what I’ll be talking about today. Well the video that’s at the top of […]