This week we have been working on Shakespeare and Elizabethan theatre. We went into depth about sonnet 18, one of Shakespeare’s most famous sonnets. I think this sonnet is so well known because of its hidden meaning, “So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”. This is Shakespeare bragging about how good he is at poetry. If you take the poem literally, it seams to say that the girl he is talking about is immortal, but at a more poetic level the girl he describes is the poem. I found this very striking and impressive. Another interesting thing about sonnets in general is that they all have a syllabic heart beat rhythm, which means that the intonation of the words are every second syllable in the same rhythm of a heart beat. This makes the poem sound warm and is why it seams so natural. Also, a cool thing about his sonnets is that they are difficult to comprehend because of the type of English used in them. I think that allows for the sonnet to be slightly more relatable to the reader because they have to make sense of what it means. After looking at some of the sonnets I tried to write my own. I found it nearly impossible to follow the syllabic pattern. Even after spending half an hour trying to start it I had discovered that everything I was writing was basically the same as the other sonnets I had read. I’m not that much of a poetic person. I don’t have much content to be poetic about nor do I have big enough of a vocabulary to make each syllable follow the pattern. Before attempting to write one of these I never really appreciated the amount of effort that has to go into a poem like this, and I order to complete a single line is must’ve taken hours.

SLC Table of Contents

Slc stands for Student Led conference.  A Student led conference is similar to a parent teacher interview  with the exepticon that it is led by the student instead of the teacher.  It is done this way to give the student an opportunity to demonstrate the assignments they are most proud of to their parents and give them the students viewof what they are learning.

Overall term reflection

Humanities Artifacts and Reflection







My goal for humanities is to improve the quality and organization of my writing in order to achieve a high 90. I want to improve my writing so that it gets to the point clearly and effectively with no grammatical errors in an interesting mind grabbing way.

My goal for Science is to express my knowledge of the topics we cover and to pay more attention in class. This will bring my grade up.

My personal goal is to socialize less in class and do my homework before I get distracted with video games and friends.

Science Artifacts and Relection

In science we did a lab on how many times paper clips will bend without breaking. We bent paper lips at a 90 degree angle multiple times until it broke. Then we recorded the amount of times it took to break. Then get another paper clip and heat it up until it glowed red, let it cool to room temperature and bend it until it broke. We did the same with another paper clip but instead of air cooling it we put it in ice cold water. I was surprised to see that the faster it cooled the more bendable it became. This lab may not have been extremely accurate because the paper clips were hard to repeatedly bend in the same spot. My target area for improvement on this project would be to have a more organized way of recording the data we collected.

Overall my biggest weakness in science would be my organization and formatting as well as thoroughness of my ideas. In order to improve this I have to spend more time on my work and use my class time more wisely.

Humanities Artifacts and Reflection

During the Seattle field trip we went to the Bill Gates Foundation. We took a tour of the area and learnt about the charity work it does. They explained how they host competitions to reinvent inventions across the world to be more suitable and efficient for areas with lots of poverty. They also explained how 30 years after the three founders passed the foundation will be shut down. We were assigned an essay describing how this foundation was “Cray Cray”, as in world changing crazy which was the topic we were exploring in humanities at the time.
My strengths for this assignment were my interest in the topic. I find it very interesting how he uses a huge portion of his money the well being of people he doesn’t even know. When he dies instead of passing his money down to his kids, which is what I would be doing, he is investing it all into his foundation. I found this very peculiar and eye opening.

In order to improve my writing in the future, I would like to develop a better way to organize my thoughts while writing drafts on a screen. When writing drafts on paper I find that being forced to rewrite the entire thing allows for better organization of my ideas. I would also like to enjoy writing more.
Overall in humanities my biggest obstacle is motivation to work on the assignments. For most activities I have difficulty sitting down and starting to work. After getting myself to sit down I would like to improve on my organization of ideas because pretty much everything I do is unorganized to some extent.

My goal this year for Humanities is to improve my writing skills so that I can easily communicate my ideas throughout my writing. In order to achieve this I need to work on my grammar and organization of my sentences and to do this I need to write more.

Overall portfolio reflection

Over the course of the school year I have demonstrated my academic strengths and weaknesses. My biggest challenge throughout the school year is my motivation. I tend to stall a lot before finally sitting down and doing my homework. This is a huge obstacle for me and it greatly affects the outcome of my work. My motivation has also been getting in the way of many other non school related activities like bike riding, and lifting.

Thankfully, my motivation isn’t getting in the way of the actual learning, I can pick up new topics very quickly and I find that that is my biggest advantage. Thanks to this I can still contribute in group projects. In a group the biggest challenge I face is taking charge of the important decisions. I tend to spend a lot of time asking if what I have so far is ok. I could be more productive if I trusted my gut more. Throughout the year I have matured enough to take more responsibility for my mistakes and become aware of my faults so I can fix them.