How much time do you usually spend on your phone or computer. For some people it might be a lot or for other people not that much. In this project we kept track of how much time every day for a week we spent on our phones,iPads,TVs and any device that we have. We separated the time we got a day in to category’s of entertainment and productivity. You could also add any categories that you want.
As you can see we put the time we collected in to decimals. in categories under phone i put social as well as entertainment and productivity because i wanted to see how long i talked/called family or friends. I also added art to keep track of during the week but i did not do much art. I mostly spend time on my phone watching shows while doing doing some thing else. That’s why there’s so much time shown on the graph.
Overall I’m surprised to see that I don’t spend as much time on screens as i thought i did. We did a small presentation on the day of completion the chart. I usually don’t check my screen time but i think its a good thing to do every day and set times to do your hobby or play with a pet and its never to late to enjoy something new.
See you next time.