Have you ever heard of a rue Goldberg machine? These machines or marble runs can get pretty complicated but they are really cool. We had to make a rue Goldberg machine in order to answer the driving question of this project, “What factors affect the performance of an electric circuit?”, While adding in the scientific method: observation, question, hypothesis, experiment, analysis and conclusion in to our machine. In our group we started by building a rough plan of what we wanted to add and how we could add in the electric circuit that could turn on. This was our final draft for our machine:
We all contributed our ideas and worked on having a version that we were all happy with. As we moved on to building our machine we got a big piece of wood to be our base and started to build on to that to make our machine. While adding the circuits it took some time to make sure that it would work and I’m glad it finally did. We added a parallel circuit and a series circuit that would turn on the lights in the process of the machine running. A series circuit comprises a path along which the whole current flows through each component. A parallel circuit comprises branches so that the current divides and only part of it flows through the branch’s.
This is our final video of our machine:
See you next time