Why Did The War Start

There are many good ideas of how the war started. I think underestimatation of what this war could do and the fear of losing power or worse is what caused the war to unfold. I thought  professor

G. Herchfeld and J. Remack

Both had good points on why the war started. At this time there had never a dealt with a war so big so know one knew the destruction that could come from this war. The war rapidly grew because of the alliances that were already in play even before any of this started. The main two alliances was the Central power: Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire and the Allies: Serbia, Russia, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium and the United States.

The alliances were one of the most inportant fracters in my mind. The alliances were known by all of the population of Europe. Everyone was trying to scare one enother hoping for the outcome to be victory

My first draft of the Why Did the war start we tried using a green screen which for many reasons didn’t work out. Our audio was not as well done as hoped. There was noises in the background like at the start it sounded like clicking, and the music was to loud. Though, I was happy with our creativity in this project and we had grood information.


Even though we did ok on this project we decided to make it even better. This time we didn’t use the green screen so the visual already looked better. We decided to dress up as our characters,(mine was G. Herchfeld), to make it a little more interesting. I was much happier with the final results of this project and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.


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