Identical or just similar?

Clones are exactly the same.

Every molecule in there body is a exact copie. Sounds impossible right? Though, at one point we thought this was the case for identical twins. How similar are twins actually ? We know that there finger prints are different but what about DNA and genetics? Well you came to the right place because we learned all about DNA and genetics in this unit.

What do you already know?

In class we made a mind map about what we already know about DNA and genetics from previous learning. Here’s what I came up with.

After we refreshed are brain we got started on the first step to understanding genetics. Through out this unit leading up to the project we did reasearch and investigations on the website teacher collaborate that easily guides students to understand DNA and genetics. Throughout the learning we filled out tables from the information we gathered from videos and websites.

After we looked at what our own phenotype and genotype was we got to make a paper family. The parents are both heterozygous wich means they carry two different allele like Ee. This makes it so offspring has a chance of having the dominate or recessive gene. To figure out what gene the kids have you can flip a coin, tails= recessive gene heads= dominate gene. Here’s one example of a potential offspring.

This gave me a understanding of how your genes can be random. Instead of flipping a coin we learned how to use a punnet square.

Something I liked about this unit is that everything we did connected to helping us be able to make a informed decision about the topic for the unit project:

If two sets twins from different families each had one baby could the offspring be identical?

Once I figured out that twins aren’t identical it seemed predictable what the answer was though, I still had to figure out how to explain it. So here it goes:

Kate and my project is to explain our answer in a podcast. We used the notes from all of the activities to make our script.

Though our script wasn’t very creative we added a few sound effects into the podcast as well as trying to add a little character by having me be a expert.

For this project there was only one first draft. Our fist draft had troubles with the  audio. Some parts of the talking was louder than the others and the music was to quite.

I took that feed back and made the quick changes to make this final podcast.

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