2018 Destination Imagination

This year I participated in the Destination Imagination tournament.

If your wondering what Destination imagination or DI is, its an educational experience that has project-based STEAM Challenges that use creative process to be successful.


The STEAM Challenge categories are science, technology, engineering, arts, or mathematics based. These challenges change every year.

My challenge is arts based and my team members are Lucas, Sofia, and Robbie. This year the arts challenge is called Change Of Tune which requires you to create a two act musical that includes a change of plan.


When we first got our teams for DI we were given a challenge to create a iMovie horror trailer using any of the trailer templates but scary. This tested our teamwork because we had to use creativity and produce a trailer in little time.

This trailer actually turned out great and we really did work well as a team. Our teamwork has continued to grow in DI demonstrated in our success of the instant challenges.


In each category there are multiple requirements for the set team choice elements and story that if completed well will get you points.

To understand our challenge, we prepared by doing the Project Management steps. We kept the work we did, as well as the script, in a shared google docs with our team.

Grade 10 Fine Arts (Change of Tune)

For our musical we needed to get our costumes, and create our script,  music, set (with a changing background), and instrument.

With all of this to do stayed on task by splitting up the jobs and work outside of school (which we did multiple times).

In every challenge you need two team choice elements this can be anything that you think shows your teams best capabilities and isn’t apart of the central challenge. We decided to make our team choice elements Robbie’s pants that we designed, and a home made 3 drum bongo.


Our theme for our musical was all about the 60s music and hippie revolution.

We presented our knowledge of the 60s in the set (was a tie die background), music and lyrics, dance moves, and especially in our groovy costumes.

Adding the finishing touches to Robbie’s pants on Thursday


Wearing our costumes while doing a instant challenge


This year DI was hosted at our school Seycove so we didn’t have to move our set and equipment. Our presentation went great we and successfully pulled of our spectacle. The judges really liked our 60s theme and our music so we were very confident on how we did.

Next it was time for our instant challenge. In class we did a lot of preparation for this. For this instant challenge we got a high score and the additional 30 bonus points.

After everyone finnished there challenges it was time to see how we did. My team, Ending on a High Note, ended up being first in the regionals competition for secondary level fine arts. We won the central challenge and the instant challenge

Regionals was a success but let’s see how provincials goes

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