All Started With a Big Bang!

The origin of Science started with theories and ideas about our world. Proven scientific theories can tell us what is inside our bodies, and even what particles are in the air. We also have created theories about space and time which is apart of astronomy.

Astronomy is a natural science that studies celestial objects and phenomena. It applies mathematics, physics, and chemistry, in an effort to explain the origin of those objects and phenomena and their evolution.

One theory that you probably have heard of is the Big Bang Theory

Oops I wasn’t talking about that Big Bang Theory

I was talking about this one

As you you can see the Big Bang Theory is a scientific theory about how the universe started, and then made the stars and galaxies we see today.

For our project I partnered up with Claire. We got to choose one of the possible topics about astronomy, (which we chose the Big Bang Theory) and then create a driving question from it.

To help us create our project we wrote down our idea on a big sheet of paper and had our classmates comment on it in a gallery walk.

The feedback we got helped us create a better driving question: What Makes the Big Bang Theory the Most Widely Accepted Theory Among Scientists?

Our only criteria for this project was that it must display learning of 4 of 6 the science 10 curricular competencies, you choose which 4 and write how your project will show them.

we decided to make a slides for our project. We researched the Hubble theory, cosmic background radiation, COBE, WMAP, Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, misconceptions and the fate of our universe to answer our driving question

Big Bang Theory project

While doing the research for our project we made connections to the other topics of astronomy.


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