Guilt and The Crucible

We all have done things we aren’t proud of. Some people feel long term guilt for there bad actions and some people can easily put the past behind them. I for one, once I am forgiving, will completely put it in the past but know that I have learned from my mistake. Though, I have never kept a large enough secret to be guilty for as did Abigail, Mercy, Betty, and Ruth and the other girls did in the four act play called The Crucible.

This play is set in the town Salem that was populated by Puritans who saw the world in terms of good vs evil. They saw the dark woods as a place where the devil hides and unusual woman as witches. So when the girls went into the forest to cast a spell and were caught they were in terrible trouble. The girls were very guilty especially because they hid the truth of why they were dancing in the forest.

Even though I haven’t felt guilt for my actions, I have delt with a lot of internal guilt. Since I was young I have been taught by adults that I should be thankful for the beautiful safe place that I live in, my wonderful family, and my wealth and opportunities. What they didn’t realize is that even as a child they didn’t have to remind me because everyday I reminded myself of that fact. When I was mad at my parents, when I passed the homeless, when I saw tragedies on the news, whenever I was upset about my own life, I reminded myself that so many people out there have it much worse. Even now reading about how young girls and slaves were abused in the play that is set in the 1692 I am greatful that I don’t live in such a time. What I have learned is that if u hold onto guilt it will consume you

This drawing I drew in sketches pro represents that. If you allow yourself to forget about all the guilt you have and move forward you will be much happier.


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