❤️Lexa kom trikru ❤️

Hi and welcome to one of the last “blogging challenge” posts 

Today Mrs.Maxwell gave us the lovely opportunity to write about anything… the possibility’s were/are endless.

I took this opportunity to write about my favourite t.v. Show character, Lexa kom trikru also known as Lexa in “the 100” on Netflix. Highly recommend.

i think I can blame my friend for introducing me to the show in the first place and responsible for my lover for lexa.

~Just a heads up the show is PG13 and there is blood, violence etc. And can be a little much at times

⚠️spoiler warning(if you plan on watching the 100, I will Be telling about great plot twists that are not worth spoiling for yourself ⚠️

So back to Lexa, I love her so much. I feel like I can Connect/relate to her a but to much then I should, and my friends would know that pictures of her taken up a significant amount of my camera roll and my Pinterest feed⬇️

this is half my camera roll

Lexa❤️  (If you need proof)

Lex kom trikru (my bad*** comfort character):

I love you 😘


We are introduced to Lexa in season 2 and she comes up through out the 3rd and 7th season and has a big party in Clarke’s mental health and emotional state through the show

~for contexts~ this is Clarke, she is like (one of) the main characters

Not a fan


Lexa was the cause and the solution to a lot of many problems (Clarke, mount weather, alliances etc,) but I still Love her with all my heart ♥️

What would you say to your favourite fictional character if you could meet them in real life?

think about it factor a second..

if I were To meet Lexa in real life, first off I would die, then someone would revive me because Lexa is there, then i would give her a huge hug and thank her for all the things she got m through, then I would’ve asked her what she regrets most but in the show she says so that is information I now know, so I wold Ask her what her favourite colour is? I think it would be like a dark green or something  because you know, she lives in the middle of the forest most fo the time and is constantly surrounded by huge Canadian trees. I would ask her what her favourite season is? I’m guessing it like spring because it’s dry and warm sometimes but then you also get water because it often rains also because i think spring would remind Lexa of Clarke somehow.

So yes if I were to rant of more about how much I love lexa this blog post would be done by midnight and be as long as “A la recherche du temps perdu” (The title translates to “Remembrance of Things Past)

thanks for reading my few out of many reasons why I love 💗  Lexa kom trikru

And then of course the finish everything off, gotta include my wonderful editing skills

She doesn’t look to satisfied



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