Welcome everyone to another one of my blog posts!
This blog post will be a little bit different then every other one, today I am writing my MPOL blog post! (an MPOL is something every PLP student of every grade has to do, and it stands for “midyear prevention of learning”)
There were two drive in questions for this “Project”.
- How have I demonstrated growth as a learner this year?
- How can I sharpen my learning plan to ensure I will reach my learning targets by the end of this school year?
Well I think this whole thing will provide very thorough and understandable answers for both drive in questions.
Humanities :
From the beginning of September 2021 when our grade 9 PLP class complete our very first “learning plan” and got introduced to out first main project “ people and the environment to January 2022 when just two days ago (Jan 26) we presented our poetry books live on zoom and recently just finished out live interpretations of a court trial for our project “revolutions of trial” not just me up our class has a whole has grown as; learners and friends and as students.
I have made lots of work I am proud of in the last 5 ish months and some I think I could have worked harder on.
This year I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to create and participate in my favourite project yet! My favourite project all year (so far) has to be “Revolutions on trial”! Why was it on of my project you ask? Well, honestly I just really enjoyed the people I was able to work with, and the moment I heard we were going to something on a stage with lines and costumes I knew I would love the final product regardless.
I find myself normally taking the lead in many group projects just because I like to get things done. But a strange things I found was that a lot of the time I find myself managing my time better in group projects rather than individual projects, but I actually prefer individual project better then group project because then I can take the fall all by myself and not have to blame anyone else for the lose or in the project was not done to the best of our ability’s etc. and also then I can have full control of what happens and when and where, things like that.
This year I was also at fault for some projects I feel like I could’ve done better and tried harder on. I found a lot of the projects I want fond of actually fell into the scimatics category but one was a humanities project.
In my opinion I feel like my “people and the environment” project was not done to the best of my ability’s. First of all I think I picked a very “shallow” topic to write about and also all the research was all the same, I think it was a topic that was still really developing as a issue and there was not much that people right now can do.
I think if I had the opportunity to re-do that project, I think I would write about a more common, well known issue that had more distinguishable solutions.
So in review I can quite clearly see my growth in humanities I am proud of a lot of the work that I have created so far in semester one and I am really looking forward to the projects we end up doing in maker and in the rest of humanities next semester
many things were create, designed, drawn up, erased, added and talked about… so far
i go the chance to come into scimatics with also something like a clean slate, (not the I had a bad rep with Mr. Gross) I got to have”the new teacher” as my scimatics teacher for the semester, Mr. Harris. Which was fun because I could have another different adults feedback on my work who has never seen when I’ve made before it was just a new experience.
We (our scimatics PLP 9 class) did lots of different projects throughout he semester; we started off in September 2021 with a project all about exponents (mixing math with game boards?) and correlation & causation (ultimate survey project) and then of course the one we literally just finished the other day “elements are the main characters?!” About element, iconic and Covalent bounds and formulas and some other sciency stuff.
i think in scimatics is where I really saw the most growth our of any subject. There was growth in my understanding, my time management, and my work ethic. I am a lot more confident when it come to being overwhelmed with (home) work because I have learned first and the effects late and incomplete work can have on your confidence when it come to your work
I think if I could go back in time and have a change to “relearn” and redo each project there wold be a couple things i would change/do differently; I would FULLY & THOROUGHLY read each and every page of the text book we were assigned (although I made it by with only more less skimming the text book pages , I think I would’ve/could’ve Gotten a better and more in depth understanding if I were to have read every word/note/page.), make sure I have enough time to fully create and answer the questions to the best of my ability’s and also be open to more feedback and except the help when Offered.
So that is the conclusion for my MPOL blog posy! I am sorry you had to endure all of that and I hope Your ✨just ass excited for the next MPOL project as I am✨
I’m done.
Hannah ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
(how do you express sarcasm in a blog post?)