Advice can be taken by anyone

High school is not all sunshine and rainbows. A lot of time high school comes with a lot of stress and chaos; new teachers, a locker, new people and a crazy amount of homework, but high school also comes with; some amazing opportunities, exciting new classes, new friends, school sports!, and an hour long lunch period. Five years in one building might sound like a lot, but eventually you find yourself worrying about what you won’t get done in that time. Honestly I suggest to just go home and get your homework done as soon as possible and then go live your life. My best advice is don’t let school consume your life. While still trying to produce the best work you can in school, make sure your spending time playing basketball or crocheting or studying astrophysics, whatever “floats your boat”. Make sure you sustain friendships, your best friend since kindergarten is more important then your boyfriend! Relationships may seem like a priority in the moment, but a lot of the time they last a month or two max. High school is one big season of “character development”. You will grow, they will grow. Don’t waste your time watering dead plants. If your friend drops you out of no where, respect there decision and move on. Don’t stay on someone else’s level just because you’re scared to improve. While friendships will be one of the more valuable thing you gain from high school, don’t let people hold you back. Teachers, friends, parents will all have their opinion on what they want your future to look like. Do what you want. If you want to change soccer teams to go to a higher level, a real teammate would support you and not complain that “your leaving them”. 

That’s all I want to say. Oh one last thing, make sure you have/use spell check! As much as you think the teachers just skim through your writing they do actually read it and fish out spelling errors, and you will loose marks and get an annoying Showbie notification that says “Great job, but next time make sure you spell check and capitalize those “i’s””.

At the end of the day, high school is something pretty much everyone goes through. Everyone goes through different things, at different times and deals with it in their own way. Just know that your no alone. And as cheesy at that sounds it’s true. Don’t ever feel like your going through something all on your own, you’d be surprised how much people can hide behind a smile. 

Don’t be too hard on yourself. 


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