BIRT doctor assisted suicide is moral

Hi and welcome to another blog.

This is my first blog post of 2024! Exciting 

This was a very fun yet stressful project. I personally loved it, more then a lot for previous projects. 

This project was all about debating, speech writing and public speaking.  And was taught by Mrs.Madsen (who also teaching public speaking 12 at seycove). 

The final project would be to write a debate and argue with another classmate (your opponent) . You would both spend a few weeks formulating that speech, practice, adding and taking away bits and pieces until your message got across clearly and concisely. I argued against Gwen.

Be it resolved that doctor assisted suicide is moral

I was arguing the negative (even though I support the affirmative) because I wanted to give myself a challenge and I knew that because I support the affirmative id know exactly what Gwen would bring up during the rebuttal

Overall I think both Gwen and I did amazing and it was amazing to see Gwen present at the beginning of the project and how much more confident she’s gotten on the podium.

I came into this project with only confidence, so skill or knowledge. Since then I have only spoken in front of a few parents during our “revolutions of trial” project in grade 9. When the project was purposed to the class I knew some people would have to really go out of their comfort zone for this project but I wasn’t scared. I speak out in class and contribute to discussions all the time and I’m not affairs to be proven wrong. 

I think I came out of this project with some very valuable speaking skills, a wider vocabulary and a better understanding of the structure of debate and all the details on doctor assisted suicide. 

We stared this project with watching a movie as a class. We watched The Great Debaters. 

It was a beautiful movie, I personally quite liked it no at the very end, during the big debate I got goosebumps! 

Once the movie was complete (took us two or three classes to finish) we debriefed. We made connections, we analyzed and discussed as a group; what debate meant to them, what debate meant to us and how they ported such a powerful arguments and how we could possibly do them same. 

And then we began with writing a mini, 10 sentence  speech on “the best _____ ever!”. I chose to write mine about the best skis ever (the Atomic Bent 100s) 

Over the course of the project we made lots of changes; considering parallel structure, logos(logic),  pathos (emotion), use of tone and the integration of opinion.

Over the course of the project we made lots of changes; considering parallell structure {{link}}, logos(logic),  pathos (emotion), use of tone and the integration of opinion.

final Draft

The writing of the speech had to have been the hardest part for me. 

But first I needed to understand what I was arguing. 

And make an annotated Bibliography to show all the sources I used. 

While creating my bibliography I needed to make sure each source was (as Mrs.Madsen would put it) “C-R-A-P tested” 

Once all the research was complete, on the the speech.

The format on the whole debate would be as followed:

  1. Affirmative Speech (4min)
  2. Negative Speech (4min)
  3. Negative Gives Rebuttal (1min)
  4. Affirmative Gives Rebuttal (1min)
  5. Negative Closing Remarks (30s)
  6. Affirmative Closing Remarks (30s)

So there was lots to write:

  1. 4 minute speech proving my point
  2. 1 minute rebuttal
  3. 30 second closing statement

it took a while. It was a challenging process but I leaned a lot.

We analyzed Barack Obamas speech in Nagasaki to undertand the important of tone and pace, and finding what tone and pace would best suit YOUR speech.

After many, many, MANY revisions, my 4 minute speech was finally finished… next was the rebuttal.

See live version on link


Overall that wasn’t that hard, because I personally agree with the affirmative. so I knew that if I were debating this topic at the dinner table id bring up points A, B and C so I just needed to find a way to argue against points A, B and C.

I chose to put my rebuttal points in point form and formulate sentences on the spot. I’m my opinion it went over pretty well, I do think I lost my conviction at the end there but overall pretty strong rebuttal.


Once my rebuttal was good to go I began my closing statement. That was fairly straight forward.

Then I printed everything out and I was ready for business‼️

Lots of practicing went in to making sure my speech was well written, easy to articulate and had no surprises in it!

then we presented them as our contribution to this years winter exhibition!

Scroll back to the top ⏫ top see the film of me and Gwen debating

Overall; learned lots that I will carry into my post secondary care and future.

Hannah 🍿🍫🍬🍭🍮🍩🍪


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