Hi and welcome back try to another “annual TPOL”. Just a reminder that TPOl stands for “transitional presentation of learing” and is pretty much a lovely, complete reflection of all my leaning this year and proving that I am in fact educationally ready to move on the the next grade.
You know the drill… the decoration, and a lot of media. All context to the image is spoken in my presentation.
Success behaviours:
learning plan:
Success behaviours:
- only forgot iPad twice this year
- packed everything I needed For the trip (Arizona)
- arrived on class on time (consistently)
- utilized things and calendar
- demonstrated self-discipline
- followed goals to balance academic and athletic goals
- got more comfortable with asking for assistance
project: BCFP
- effective goal setting/reaching
- Taking responsibility Feedback
project: Cat and Maus / Fear Factor
anglicized skills – use of feedback
- willingly participating
- Demonstrating enthusiasm
- contributes to a supportive learing environment
- ex. Positive feedback/highlighting
project: reflections
- compare and contrast
shorter = valuable
- give clear, concise and helpful feedback to peers
- reliable and trusted team a member
- strong teacher to student communication (Mrs.Willemse – tutorial time)
- on top of missed work/ making up for absences
project: atomic journal
- treats classmates and teachers with respect
- Focusing on the task on hand
- leadership (excuses, ex-this morning)
- taking pride in original work
- integrating and acting on feedback
project: who cares, why bother?
Moments of Failure:
My favourite:
always the one the requires travel
Thanks again and see you next year!
hannah 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍓