A project about tectonic plates and what they do o effect our planet
The very beginning
Around the end(ish) on November we first got introduced to the second project we would be doing the “rotation”, it was going to be all about tectonic plates and what they do, what causes them and how do they move at all.
The first the we had to do was serperate into groups and just make up som ideas s for a fun interesting game with as much information about tectonic plate as possible, in total honesty i thought that thus step to understanding tectonic plates was kind of irrelevant, because in the end we ended up spiting up into different groups and half of us just used the ideas from the last pool in our group and changed it a little bit so I wouldn’t be the exact same.
This is a Ming map of all my knowledge at the very beginning, plus a little bit that i added at the end
It’s really small but it show what i did and now know about tectonic plate, different types of plate boundary’s, what earthquakes, volcanos and tsunamis are caused and also some beginning brain storming game ideas.
My game
Me and landon partners for this project we came up with a game but not a name, our game is nameless. And we haven’t yet gotten in trouble for it🤫shhhh
I found this project was helpful, taught me a lot about tectonic plates, volcanos, earthquakes, and tsunamis and about how hard its is to come up with it ha game name and a game idea is general. (You’d be surprised who much work it is). There are a couple of things i think i would change; i thin i would exclude the monkey for west thing, it was quite irrelevant, I wouldn’t spend so much effort o this trivia cards fo i knew only three people would play our game and we would throw it our right away, i spend WAY, WAY to long to makes😒
Yay, we’re back to me talking about the “curricular competencies!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here we go…. again
I think I “demonstrated and understanding and appreciation of evidence” by having a visual reference on my Trivia card to make it easier understand and answer he question, we (me and Landon)also used more then 10 key science concepts; we added about 3 extra concepts first as backup but we liked them so we kept them in the final copy, we added; hotspot, fault lines and I forgot the last one and I also had good incorporation of tectonic plates.
I think I demonstrated “a sustained intellectual curiosity about scientific topics or problems of personal interest” by ushering all my class time well and i found I don’t only slightly distracted and the breaks really helped me refocus and i tried my best not to annoy others while they are working and i tried my best to get as much done as possible in class, also I’m to busy I couldn’t even so it at home of i wanted to
And last but not least, I think i think i showed good “developing, demonstrating and apply mathematical understandings through playing, inquiring and problem solving” by having correct probability answers, using the probability in my game instructions as asked for and showing my work at how I got the answer and putting them in the proper percentage.
There we made it, we are at the end 🥳🎉
This is still not a food blog I don’t thing Ms.Willemse and Ms.Maxwell would approve