
I’m back, and I’m becoming a critic. The movie I’ll review today is “A New Hope”, which is episode IV of the Star Wars film series. Now I’m sure you’ve heard of Star Wars, but in case you haven’t, I’ll link the Wikipedia page here for you to do a bit of research. For this milestone in the bigger project that I’m currently doing, I watched “A New Hope” and I’m going to leave a review of it. This review is going to try to be as professional as possible and I will be trying my hardest to re-create the style of reviews that you would see from a professional critic.


The movie “A New Hope” is iconic, and if you haven’t seen it yet, you’re missing out. It was the launch pad for one of largest cinematic franchises to date. And if I haven’t already let you know, I liked it. This was the first movie in the series, released in 1977 and was directed by George Lucas. It possesses a charm that comes of films from that time, such as aliens being puppets instead of CGI, and the CGI itself being of lower quality – so it’s very different to films that are released nowadays. The plot itself is very intriguing and keeps you on the edge of your seat – you can’t help but want to see the next scene. The acting is also quite good, and Mark Hamill (who plays Luke Skywalker) does an impeccable job displaying the growth of Luke from a boy to a man. He shows the trials of Luke in an exciting and heartwarming way, and you can see clearly in scenes throughout the movie how Luke loses his whinyness and fear, and replaces it with bravery and the need to help the rebellion. This movie, apart from having a fascinating plot, also has a beautiful message and dare I say, magic to it. Watching this movie is like being transported to a different universe. The aliens, strange planets, incredible ships, and whirlwind story take you to place we don’t have here on this earth. If you haven’t seen this movie it needs to go on to your “To Do” list instantly. “A New Hope” a fantastic movie to watch with family, friends, or even by yourself. I highly recommend this movie to anyone who hasn’t seen it, but I’m telling you, prepared to be hooked by the magic of Star Wars, because it’s truly an experience everyone can enjoy and treasure for the rest of their lives. There’s a reason that Star Wars is one of the most successful cinematic franchises in history, and this movie will almost certainly jumpstart your love for it.

Ok thanks for tuning into the blog post,

See ya later
