(The post cover image is my all time favourite surrealist painting “peg-top” by artist Hans Bellmer) Hey guys welcome back to the blog i guess. We’re still on our project about WW2. In in my typical fashion I got curious… Continue Reading →
Hi, and welcome to the blog? As you may have guessed this is another absolutely incredible weekly review, but I’ve just gotten a more fun title. Now this post has a bit of a backstory to how I got here… Continue Reading →
Hi there, it’s blog time. This week has been big folks. We started a brand new project and are already 1 milestone down. Just to fill you in a little bit, this new project is all about World War II… Continue Reading →
Yo, and welcome back to the blog. We actually just managed to finish our project, and get everyone in the class to make a podcast episode. A mad impressive accomplishment if you ask me. Basically, this project was about making… Continue Reading →
Hello there blog goers. Welcome to week 4 of my weekly review posts. This past week was a busy one, with a lot of editing, and listening to the sound of my own voice. It wasn’t the most fun to… Continue Reading →
Hey ~ welcome back 2 the blog :)))) It’s week 3! I know in both other posts I’ve said the weeks were chaotic, but this week was a whole other level! We had big milestones to finish, and not the… Continue Reading →
Ayo welcome back to the weekly review. This week we had a full four days, compared to last weeks meagre two. And you can guess what that means, way more learning! In a brief summary of the week we did… Continue Reading →
Hey, hey, hey! A while welcome to my first weekly blog post! In case you hadn’t guessed, I’ll be doing one of these every week. This week was pretty short consisting of two days in total. However in these two… Continue Reading →
Hey, hey, hey! And welcome back to this wonder of a blog. Today we’re talking about the new overwhelming sound in my life, podcasts. In case you didn’t know PLP 10’s big theme this year is audio (last year was… Continue Reading →
Identity? What does it really mean? When it comes down to it, Who Are You? These were the rather tough question, we were challenged with answering in this post. Identity, of course has a literal definition, but every persons identity… Continue Reading →
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