Indie’s 3am thoughts

Welcome to Elmo’s world

Project Podcats

Hi, welcome to my blog post about the last project we did for grade 10.

In PLP 10, sound is a big focus. In past years they have had this project that we did but it wasn’t quite the same as our version.

The whole idea surrounding this project is podcasts. In past years this project has been incorporated into other projects, like a WWII project. In one of those a podcast episode would be made surrounding the WWII topic. We did it a bit different than all of those years. Instead, we had this project as an individual, where we had the creative freedom to come up with a topic, and make 5 episodes about that topic.

The freedom part was really great for the most part. We just had to come up with something that we are passionate about, and we had to script, record, edit and publish that idea. That freedom was both helpful and challenging. On one hand, we had the freedom to make something fun, and that we knew stuff about, and that we wanted to talk about. On the other hand, we were relying on only ourselves to get the work done, to do the research, and all that stuff. So, our class podcasts ended up going from categories like sports, pop culture, mental health all the way to miscellaneous.

My podcast ended up in miscellaneous. My podcast was a true crime podcast called True crime hole: Heist edition. But it took me a while to get there.

When we first started this project I knew that I wanted to do a true crime podcast, because I’ve always been interested in true crime. My love from true crime came from the series Buzzfeed Unsolved, and I thought I should mention them while I’m here, because that’s where my inspiration came from. I was originally going to make my podcast about a murder, and I had a whole plan for it too. I was going to cover a murder and talk about suspects and details an all that, but as I was researching, I realized that I wanted something more fun. When I was looking for something different to talk about, I came across a heist. Not just one heist actually, many heists. 

I thought i would link to my series planner here, because it helps paint a fuller picture of my series ideas.

Podcast Series Planner

So my podcast was about heists, and it was a lot of fun to make. 

I spent a lot of time on this project, especially with scripting and editing, it ended up taking a lot more time than I would’ve originally thought. But, I had fun.

Here is a link to my podcast with my favourite episode, because I’m really proud of it.

I learned a lot about the researching/ creating side of things with this project, which I thought was very interesting and will probably help me out in the future. This project also taught me that anyone can create content. Even though I didn’t have a recording studio in my house or any special tools apart from an Ipad, I was still able to make a podcast, pretty much all on my own. I legitimately sat on the floor with a blanket over my head to get good sound. It really showed me that it’s all up to us to do what we can. 

Now, another thing about this project. I think this project was the best one of this year. There have been ones that I’ve said have been the best because they were the easiest or the most fun, but in my opinion, this one was the best. I think it was solely because I got to learn how to do stuff while also talking about something I found interesting. I think the end result was also something that I was genuinely proud of. 

Thanks for reading my blog post! This project was a great one to end the year off with, and I’m looking forward to next year.


indiras • June 27, 2022

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