Indie’s 3am thoughts

Welcome to Elmo’s world

The Coldest War

“Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind.” – U.S President John F Kennedy The Cold War lasted from 1947-1991, meaning it’s a very significant era in history, that we have recently taken on the task of investigating. Over the course of several weeks we have dove in…

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Project Podcats

Hi, welcome to my blog post about the last project we did for grade 10. In PLP 10, sound is a big focus. In past years they have had this project that we did but it wasn’t quite the same as our version. The whole idea surrounding this project is podcasts. In past years this…

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Spring Exhibition 2022

Every year, the final project we work on is for a big presentation the entirety of PLP holds: The exhibition. This year, our project that was presented at the exhibition was called “Cray Cray, Yay Yay”,  the PLP 10s,11s, and 12s all chose community impact makers to celebrate and present at our exhibition. We all…

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TPOL 2022

This past year we’ve been doing a lot of work and putting in a lot of effort to get to this moment, the reflection/celebration of all of the learning. “Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own…

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Core to the Shore?

After the Second World War, society resumed and the world we know today began to be built. I’m Indy and in our latest project for humanities, we focused on life after the war, specifically in North Vancouver. This project felt quite special because we actually had a client in mind as we were making our…

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Are the 7 Habits Worth it?

Have you ever heard of a book called The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People? It’s one of the most popular and well respected self help books out there. My name is Indy and in this recent project that we did in PLP called “Believe in good”, we focused on the seven habits, and how…

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Loon lake 2022

Buried deep in the forest, around Mapleridge BC, is Loon Lake. A beautiful lake with a retreat (advance in PLP terms), that I went to on a school trip a few weeks ago. It was a trip full of goal setting, achievements, canoeing, fun, and absolutely zero loons. This blog post is a reflection on…

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Destination: Imagination 2022

Way back in late 2021, we started being introduced to a project that PLP students know very well. Destination Imagination. Pretty much every year except for a few (because of COVID), some grades of PLP do D.I, and spend months planning and getting ready for it. What is DI? Instead of trying to explain destination…

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Hidden chapters of history : WWII

WWII was arguably the biggest world conflict in history, over the past month or so we have learned how and why it happened, the causes and consequences, if you will. Which leads me to our driving question. The driving question for this project was How might we use stories to better understand the causes and…

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Romeo and Juliet, why is it relevant?

This past month or so, we have been doing a project on a topic that almost everyone who’s been to high school is familiar with : Romeo and Juliet. We did do all of the basic learning for this subject, we read the play, we discussed it, etc. But, we also took a fun spin…

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