Indie’s 3am thoughts

Welcome to Elmo’s world


Frankenstuffies! What a time to chop up stuffies!

Hello! This is my blog post on a project we just finished called: Frankenstuffies. It was our 3rd and final project before the break.  This project was all about the Industrial Revolution and how it transformed the world. The driving question was: How do revolutions transform the world. My answer to this question was: Revolutions…

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Storm the barricades!!! Is that a metaphor or a revolution?

Hello! You’ve come across my Blog post about my experience of the learning my class and I did on this project, called Storm the Barricades!  For this project we did some petty cool stuff. Everything we did was based around the driving question, which was: How do revolutions transform societies? We answered this question by…

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Running a remake!

Hello! This is my first blog post of grade 9, it’s been a while since I’ve written a blog post. I hope you’re all doing well, and let’s just jump into it and see this project together. So this is my journey of The project called Running A Remake! Here we go! The driving question…

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2020 TPOL

This my first TPOL blog post for the transition from grade 8 to grade 9. This post all leads up to 1 driving question: Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade level? But I’ll answer that question at the end. For now, I want to talk about this past…

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DI tournament-Online!

For the past term, we have been working on a tournament called Destination Imagination. In February we presented our final projects at the Regional Tournament. We were going to be presenting upgraded versions of our projects, on April 4th, at Provincials, but unfortunately, like most things in the time of the coronavirus, it got cancelled….

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DI-ing inside: Destination Imagination Regional Tournament

The past term we have been working on a tournament called DESTINATION IMAGINATION. Every second day we have met up with our teams and made our challenges complete. My category was technical, and our challenge was called The Big Fix. We had to build an invention to solve a problem, or problems. Here is that…

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