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A Case for a Nation 🏳

Bonjour! For our last project before spring break we learnt about nationalism. We were meant to create 3 photos along with a caption that showed off our topic and our understanding off nationalism. But that’s the end result lets take a look at how we got there.

First we created a video based off a tick tock trend called “Canadian check”. In this video you could create something or just act out something that’s stereotypically Canadian. For my group we created an image of Ryan Reynolds on a moose holding a Tim Hortons cup. Other groups took a more live action route and did things like drink maple syrup and play hockey.

Then to learn a little bit more about nationalism we looked at some current events and wrote out a little panel that talked about the who, what, when, where of the current event. Along with your opinion, some facts, and why it relates to nationalism. After it was done you had to present it to a group of people in your class, mine was about Alberta getting rid of vaccine passports and other COVID-19 mandates. People presented until we were ready to move onto the next stage in our learning.

After learning some more about Canadian nationalism we did a confederation conference simulation. In this we were put into group and given a province, I was in PEI. In this simulation we had to give our wants and needs to join the confederation. We created documents that had our requirements and then we created a slideshow and presented it to our peers or in this case the other provinces, we did this three times before the final bill was drawn up by the “Queen” (our teacher) which described what the confederation was going to look like, then you could sign it if you wanted to, We ended up signing because all of our main needs were met and it was in general a good idea for us.

Next we picked out a historical event that included/was about nationalism. For me I picked the Confederation Conferences. The Confederation conferences were a series of conferences that helped build Canada and united its nationalism under one nation.

After we picked our event we each created three photos: A drawn on image, a Quote, and a free choice.

Then we came together and shared our images and picked one of each from everyone, then we went home and edited our images and came back with our final ones. Then we created a comment for our instagram post and chose our hashtags, then we were done!

Thanks for Reading,


Published inHumanities

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