Calgary 2017 (and welcome)



Hey world, welcome to my blog and to all my adventures of grade nine and my first year in plp!
I hope to educate my readers with my educational experiences and new knowledge.

So let’s get started, recently our class took a road trip to Calgary, Alberta. With loads of things to do everyday and many stops along the way we experienced quite an amazing trip.

The last spike

September, 9. 2017

We left seycove on the bus at 7:30 am and hit the road.
The first day of our trip was mostly a travelling day, aside from our stop at The Last Spike Historical Site, where we saw artifacts from the CPR (Canadian Pacific Railway). We also stopped at the Three Valley Gap Heritage Ghost Town, where we filmed our ten minute group fiction video. I was in a group with Lauren, Kiefer and Daniel


September, 10 & 11. 2017

The next two days concluded of going to the Rogers Pass discovery centre, where we watched a short video about avalanche safety and saw models of the pass. On the way we stopped by the Spiral Tunnels and saw a train travelling through them!

Rogers Pass centre


Later that day we visited The Northern Lights Wildlife Wolf Centre, at the centre they pretty much treat these wolves as their children. When I first heard about this place I thought that it was going to be some sort of zoo (which it isn’t at all), but really it’s a place to keep them safe because they are becoming extinct. While we were there where we had a barbecue and learned more about wolves.

Finally one of the places I would definitely like to return to is The Glenbow Museum, this museum had everything from ancient military outfits to gems and minerals to religions of the world. We spent about four hours there but honestly I could’ve spent all day there. Thanks to this place (and ms.maxwell) I am becoming even more of a history nerd.


Ancient samurai armour
Religious statue
Gems and minerals



September, 12th. 2017

On the 12th we visited Drumheller, where we spent time at The Royal Tyrell Museum Of Paleontology to film our projects and explore. After about 4 hours of being at the museum we met up with our tour guide and went for a hike and learned about the seven wonders of the badlands.





September, 13. 2017

The fifth day of our trip was one of the most important for our learning, we visited Beaker head. A festival for science, engineering and art. We learned to let our creative juices flow, we studied mars and learned about giant mother serpents. Later in the evening we walked around finding all the Beakerhead art pieces.


Mother serpent



September, 14. 2017

On our last day in Calgary we stopped by the Calgary Tower for a short trip to “space”.
Our guide took us through space customs, safety procedures and took us up the space elevator. We all got in the elevator and put on virtual reality glasses, once we arrived in “space” we learned about constellations and trappis-1E (a planet in a far away galaxy).

Calgary tower
The view from space



Next, we took a drive to Cave and Basin National Historic Site, where we were accompanied by a very talented tour guide that taught us all about the area. Lastly we visited Lake Minnewanka, where we took a boat ride across the stunning lake and learned some history and got great pictures.


Hot spring
Lake Minnewanka



September, 15. 2017

On the 15th we had a full day of activities, first we visited the Columbia Icefeilds where I did my individual project, it was surprisingly much warmer than I expected. I interviewed our guide to get some more information about the area for my project. Right after we were finished we took a short ride up the road to the Glacier Skywalk, a glass bridge built off of the side of a cliff. I loved it. To end the day we took at trip to Lake Louise, the beautiful view granted us with some great pictures.

Columbia Ice glacier
Lake Louise


this is my video if you want to check it out 🙂


September, 16. 2017


As the journey ends we once again had a full day of travelling, we took a quick stop at the Enchanted Forest to do a project but besides that it was mostly just a driving day.
We arrived back in Vancouver at about 9:00pm.
I’m so thankful to have experienced such a amazing trip, full of memories that I’ll never forget.




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